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Recently, I have been thinking about how certain stories have enriched my life. Some stories have helped me develop empathy. Others have given me a base for meaningful traditions. Many have provided me with a sense of belonging or purpose. I would like to share a few of these lived experiences that have connected me to the past and helped shape my values. Glimpses into my grandparents' lives through the stories they imparted left a lasting impression on me. My paternal grandmother grew up in a...
As pertussis, also known as whooping cough, spreads throughout the country, public health has prepared to respond should the disease be detected locally. Pertussis is a nationally notifiable condition. In 2024, reported cases of pertussis increased throughout the United States to more typical pre-pandemic trends. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), preliminary data show that more than six times as many cases have been reported in 2024 as in 2023. The number of reported cases in...
While the holidays can be a time of celebration, joy, and connection, they can also bring emotional struggle and loneliness for some. From financial worries to social gatherings, the holiday season and its increased demands can take a toll on our mental health. If you are among those feeling stress or sadness, it’s important to remember you are not alone. In a survey by the American Psychological Association, 38% of people surveyed said their stress increased during the holiday season, and the N...
This summer, while working on Jefferson County's Community Health Assessment (CHA) and subsequent Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), two of Keith Hammonds's articles in The Monitor piqued my attention. His comment, "I'd love to see the county Health Department create a "director of community belonging" ("Belonging and civic life in America," June 19), made me stop and think about how we could make that happen. A sense of belonging and connectedness is a protective factor in our health...
The Jefferson County Health Department is partnering with Care Van and Jefferson Valley Emergency Medical Services (PULSE) to provide a no-cost community vaccination event in Whitehall on October 15th. The clinic will be held at the new PULSE building, located at 111 North Whitehall Street, which is also now the home of the Jefferson County Health Department's Whitehall office, from 3 PM to 6 PM. The event will offer seasonal flu and COVID vaccines at no cost to the public. Please call...
Montana is known for its big, blue skies and fresh air. Summer in “Big Sky Country” brings opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities which are enjoyed by many. As temperatures rise, so does the risk of wildfires and wildfire smoke. Montana’s wildfire season typically runs from May through September. The peak of the season generally occurs in mid-July. It is important to understand the risks associated with wildfire season. Preparing for and knowing how to live with wildfires is integral to st...
This month, we pay tribute to the fathers, grandfathers, and men who step up and make a difference in our lives. June is also observed as Men’s Health Month. It’s a time to recognize the unique health issues men may face and encourage the important men in your life to work to improve their overall health. In the United States, the life expectancy for men is approximately five years less than the life expectancy for women. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hea...
The past few days have left me with some “spring fever.” The days are getting longer, temperatures are warmer, and I have felt rejuvenated. It is an excellent time to start fresh and refocus on our health and wellness. My fresh start often begins with spring cleaning. Cleaning and decluttering my home and outdoor space improves my physical environment, boosts my mental health, and allows me more time to enjoy warm-weather activities. I like to include my medicine cabinet in my spring cle...
Jefferson County Community Health Assessment How do we measure health and well-being? A person's health is affected by many factors, including genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. Experiencing good health, happiness, positive relationships, and purpose contribute to our overall well-being. Wellness allows us to develop and thrive. Gauging personal health is often a private experience between an individual, their loved ones, and healthcare providers. Caring for patients individually, one...
JANUARY SNAPSHOT: The County Health Department’s mission is to promote good health practices, keep the environment clean, healthy, and safe, and to help people enjoy good health and use resources effectively. The snapshot summarizes recent and year-to-date health department activities of the JCHD. The intent is to share relevant information with our constituents to increase awareness of conditions in the community and department activities. Reportable Diseases/Conditions of Interest Reported i...
Improving our health is a priority for many of us as we begin a new year. One of the best things we can do when planning for a healthy future is to determine what our health needs are. Adopting healthy behaviors is part of the picture. The other piece comes with seeking preventative care. Life is busy - and for many of us, seeking medical care is something we do only when we are ill or injured. Have you thought about the last time you had a medical check-up, a vision or dental screening, or a...
The Jefferson County Health Department’s mission is to promote good health practices, keep the environment clean, healthy, and safe, and to help people enjoy good health and use resources effectively. The December snapshot summarizes recent and year to date health department activities of the JCHD. The intent is to share relevant information with our constituents to increase awareness of conditions in the community and department activities. Reportable Diseases/Conditions of Interest Reported i...
Recently I was asked if cold weather causes “cold and flu season.” Many of us have heard that being too cold causes illness. Exposure to moderately cold temperatures does not cause respiratory illness. However, viruses do transmit illness more efficiently in drier, colder conditions because they remain airborne longer. We also tend to spend more time indoors in close contact with one another during colder months. These things create optimal conditions for disease transmission which cause spi...
September is National Preparedness Month. Nationwide, the month of September serves as a reminder for each of us to be prepared for disasters or emergencies. Every community can prepare to be ready to respond to an emergency whether it is an infectious disease outbreak, a chemical release, or a natural disaster. We, as individuals, can also become better prepared for personal emergencies or hazards. The goal of National Preparedness Month is to encourage individuals and families to take...
The County Health Department’s mission is to promote good health practices, keep the environment clean, healthy, and safe, and to help people enjoy good health and use resources effectively. The snapshot summarizes recent and year-to-date health department activities of the JCHD. The intent is to share relevant information with our constituents to increase awareness of conditions in the community and department activities. Reportable Diseases/Conditions of Interest, June 2023: • COVID-19 Cas...
Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) is dedicated to supporting health within our community by promoting positive behaviors and activities. Receiving an injury prevention grant from Montana Department of Health and Human Services provided Erin Ritchie, Jefferson County's Public Health School Nurse, the means to organize an injury prevention activity focused on motor vehicle safety. Montana Department of Transportation reported 207 fatalities on Montana highways in 2022. One of the leading...
The County Health Department’s mission is to promote good health practices, keep the environment clean, healthy, and safe, and to help people enjoy good health and use resources effectively. The snapshot summarizes recent and year-to-date health department activities of the JCHD. The intent is to share relevant information with our constituents to increase awareness of conditions in the community and department activities. Jefferson County Residents May 2023 Snapshot Reportable D...
Jefferson County Public Health is moving to automated COVID-19 contact tracing beginning Wednesday, June 1, 2022. We are moving away from universal contact tracing and will now send SMS text messages to positive COVID-19 individuals in our county. Automated contact tracing allows our staff to provide a quick, efficient, and more streamlined process of providing information to our residents. This system also empowers the public to act when they suspect a COVID-19 infection. These text messages...
Public Health is many things. It is clean air and water, safe schools, mental health, emergency preparedness, disease surveillance, and promotion of healthy lifestyles. The work of public health is achieved by preventing illness and injury and promoting wellness through healthy behaviors. Public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can be as small as a neighborhood or as large as an entire region. It is our vision at Jefferson County Health...
This week is National Public Health Week. This year, the theme for National Public Health Week is “Public Health is Where You Are”, which focuses on the places where we all are physically, mentally, and within our communities that affect our health and our lives. This is a time to reflect on and commit to the health of ourselves, our family, and our great community. It is a time to celebrate the power of community and the influence we make when we commit ourselves to promote healthy places to...
Some of our neighbors share why they chose to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Here are their stories: TERRY AND BRUD Terry and Brud have ranched in Jefferson County for 39 years. Brud was raised here. Here’s what they have to say about why they got vaccinated: Terry: My parents are 94 and 88 years old - we spent one Christmas not seeing them. When the vaccine came out, we knew if we were vaccinated, we could all be together again. We had a big gathering this year, enjoying our time together ...
"Jefferson County Health Department has experienced the largest surge of daily/weekly cases we have seen since the pandemic began," said Pam Hanna, RN, Jefferson County Public Health Supervisor, in an email to the Ledger Monday, January 24. "We are unable to contact every individual in a timely manner." Hanna, concerned about the mass spread of the virus, supplied the following information from the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, which states recommended isolation and seeking...
Jefferson County Public Health has updated the isolation and quarantine guidance based on recommendations from the CDC, which has continued to review and provide updated isolation and quarantine recommendations throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Increasing evidence demonstrates the majority of transmission occurs during the early periods of infection. The updated guidance focuses on the period when a person is most infectious. The following guidance applies to the general...
It is the time of year where many of us think of wellness. We are moving into a new year, settling into winter’s cold and flu season, and dealing with the impacts of almost two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our lifestyle can affect how well our immune system protects us from microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and chronic illness. The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection. Your immune system must be strong enough and smart e...
The 2021-22 flu season is here. Last year, Montana had no diagnosed flu. Those who follow flu trends are concerned we will see increased flu activity this year. Experts suspect the low number of flu cases last year may mean fewer people with immunity to the strains circulating this year. This, combined with relaxed prevention measures for COVID-19, could result in a challenging 2021-22 flu season. Currently, there have been eleven confirmed influenza cases in Montana. One of the eleven...