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Dear Editor, I was of the understanding that the Whitehall Town Office would be changing the hours open to the public beginning with the first week of February 2025. However, I dropped by to get an agenda recently and found it closed and locked - again! The hours state that the doors are locked at 1:00! What happened to the 4:30 time? I also thought the office would be open to the public on Fridays, but that is not the case. When will the Whitehall Town Office be open during normal public...
The Whitehall community will reunite as rehearsals for the annual community cantata begin. This year's theme is “This is My Word,” and Janet Heilig will direct the cantata. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, October 27th at 7 PM at the First Christian Church. The performance will be on Sunday, December 15 at 7 PM at the church. All who wish to sing for joy are welcome; please consider joining us!...
Dear Editor, Was the Town Council meeting town business or NFL night? I just returned from the Whitehall Town Council meeting. The mayor was watching the Chiefs game on the TV in the council chambers – the TV that usually shows what the TSS video recorder is viewing. Not tonight – the mayor told the audience and council that she hoped the meeting would be over soon, as she wanted to watch the Chiefs game!!! Mayor, you were not elected to watch football or be otherwise distracted during mon...
The Zion Lutheran Church Bible Study group helped to fill Whitehall Food Pantry containers for the Thanksgiving distribution, which was held Wednesday, November 15th at the Pantry. This project for the Whitehall Food Pantry was awarded $250 from Thrivent Financial for doing the work. The group prepared 48 containers with non-perishables....
Members of Zion Lutheran Church gathered at the Whitehall Food Pantry on Friday, November 11 to pack food for distribution on November 15th. This was a Thrivent Action Team project, where the Food Pantry was given $250 for allowing us to participate....