Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by kaleena miller

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  • MSU Extension: Gift While Alive or After Death?


    This is a series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. The authors are Kaleena Miller, MSU Extension Madison-Jefferson County Agent,, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, “Property owners have several decisions to make when it comes to estate planning, and one of those is whether to give property to their heirs before or after death,” says Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist. In deciding whether to make a gift before dea...

  • MSU Extension: Gifting a Living Legacy


    This is a series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. Authors are Kaleena Miller, Madison-Jefferson County Extension Agent, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, Take a moment during this busy holiday season to think about estate planning from a “gifting while you are alive” perspective. Some Montanans have stated they have received the greatest satisfaction when they gift some assets before they pass on so they can watch their children and gra...

  • MSU Extension: What You Need to Know About Cremation

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU and Madison Jefferson County Extension|Nov 9, 2022

    According to a report from the National Funeral Directors Association, Montana’s cremation rate is well above the national average of 58 percent. In 2021, 79 percent of people who died in the state were cremated. To address the rise in interest in cremations, MSU Extension has developed a MontGuide on the topic. According to Kaleena Miller, MSU Madison/Jefferson County agent, the MontGuide answers questions such as: Does my body have to be embalmed? Is a casket required? How can my family be assured the ashes given to them are mine? Which s...

  • MSU Extension: Exploring Montana Body Donation Program

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension Agents|Oct 12, 2022

    This is a series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. Authors are Kaleena Miller, MSU Extension Madison-Jefferson County Agent, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, The Legislature has authorized the Attorney General’s Office to set up and support an End-of-Life Registry website for Montana citizens. The goal is to provide a place for citizens to securely store their advance directives online and to give authorized health care providers i...

  • MSU Extension Office: Provider Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension|Sep 7, 2022

    This is a series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. Authors are Kaleena Miller, MSU Extension Madison-Jefferson County Agent,, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, If you have been in the hospital during the past few years, you know about a POLST. If not, you may ask, what is POLST? POLST is short for Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment. It is a medical order indicating treatment preferences for a person who has a life-threatening...

  • One Time $5,000 ARPA Grants Available to Food Commodity Producers

    KALEENA MILLER, MSU Extension|Aug 31, 2022

    Jefferson County commissioners have allocated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for a one-time $5,000 grant to food commodity producers that sold at least $2,500 in 2020. To qualify for the grant, the business or individual must employ less than 5 people, have ownership (or a long-term lease) of agricultural land and/or livestock, and have food commodity sales receipts from 2020 for a minimum of $2,500 dollars. Producers interested in applying for the grant can contact Leah Lewis at More information on ARPA...

  • MSU Extension: Exploring Montana Body Donation Program

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension|Aug 17, 2022

    For the last 41 years, Montanans have donated their bodies to the Montana Body Donation Program (MBDP). Some Montanans are motivated by the desire to make a contribution to medical education. Others donate because they want to recognize the value and importance of using bodies for educating present and future health professionals about human anatomy. These include doctors, nurses, dentists, physician’s assistants, physical therapists, and students. Still, others donate because of their hope that knowledge will be gained to help future p...

  • Extension Office: Discussing Testamentary Trusts

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension|Jul 6, 2022

    This is part of monthly series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. Authors are Kaleena Miller, Madison-Jefferson County Extension Agent,, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, A person can create a testamentary trust with a written will says MarshaGoetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. A testamentary trust is one that is set up according to the instructions contained in a person’s last will and testament. The owner’s property, such as sto...

  • Extension Office: Transferring Your Farm or Ranch to the Next Generation

    KALEENA MILLER, MSU Extension|Jun 15, 2022

    Talk with almost any Montana family farm and ranch enterprise and you will find one of goal is to transfer land and businesses to the next generation. “The process can be challenging to all members of the family,” says Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. “Some families may avoid the process completely because of the economic, legal, and family decision complexities. Others may start the process but abandon it to avoid conflicts that can arise from differences in goals, values, and feelings of fairness among family membe...

  • Whitehall Garden Club News - May

    JAYNE DEAN and KALEENA MILLER|May 11, 2022

    In the merry, merry month of May, the Whitehall Garden Club started their meeting with a delectable breakfast table including a deeply delicious deep dish sausage egg bake (say that 3 times) and fresh-baked date-raisin and pineapple bread. The table sprinkled with Butterfingers and black licorice was too irresistible to skip. Thanks to Janet Chapman and John Carlson for setting the mood for the upcoming meeting with well-fed WGC members and guests! The meeting was called to order by President...

  • Extension Office: Accessing a Deceased Person's Financial Accounts

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension Agents|Jan 19, 2022

    When a Montana resident dies, state law provides a process for deciding who is legally entitled to inherit financial accounts the deceased had with banks, credit unions or other entities such as brokerage firms. Montana property and contract laws, and provisions under the Montana Uniform Probate Code, dictate who becomes the legal successor(s) of certain accounts. “For example, when two people have a savings account in joint tenancy with right of survivorship, the surviving joint tenant becomes the legal successor. If an owner placed a p...

  • Supplementation and Alternative Feeds: Madison-Jefferson Rancher Roundtable December 8th

    KALEENA MILLER, MSU Extension Agent|Dec 1, 2021

    The Montana State University Madison-Jefferson Extension Rancher Roundtable Event will be held Wednesday, December 8 from 5:30 PM to 7 PM at the Volunteer Hall at the Boulder Fairgrounds (25 Little Boulder Road, Boulder, MT). Supplementation and Alternative Feeds will be detailed by speaker Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. Drought, hay shortage: this program will discuss ways to make your hay and available forage go the extra mile. It will provide the opportunity for you to...

  • Extension Office: MSU Extension Suggests a Financial Power of Attorney

    Kaleena Miller and Marsha Goetting, MSU and Jefferson County Extension|Nov 10, 2021

    What if you were in an accident and were in intensive care for several weeks? What if you got COVID-19 and spent time in the hospital? Who would manage your finances while you were getting well? Who would protect the assets you have worked so hard to accumulate? A financial Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal tool that could help, said Kaleena Miller, MSU Madison-Jefferson Extension Agent. Montanans Marge and Jack have each executed a POA and have shared their reasons for doing so. Marge, age 79, is aware she becomes stressed when faced with...

  • Extension Office News: Living Trusts as An Estate Planning Tool

    Kaleena Miller and Marsha Goetting|Aug 4, 2021

    Trusts gained more attention during the COVID-19 pandemic as a tool to manage financial affairs, according to Montana State University Extension educators. But a trust may not be the right choice for everyone. Individuals should learn the pros and cons of the distinct types of trusts available, said Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. In Montana, the person who provides property and creates a trust is a “settlor,” also referred to as a grantor, donor, or trustor. The trustee is the individual, institution or org...

  • Whose Name is on Your Assets?

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, Extension office|Apr 7, 2021

    Montana State University educators say it is important for people to understand how they title property impacts who receives it upon their death. Whose name is on the deed for your home? Is it held in Joint with right of survivorship or as a tenancy in common? Whose name is on your savings account? MSU Extension family economics specialist Marsha Goetting and Madison-Jefferson County Extension agent Kaleena Miller said factors like property title laws combined with Montana intestacy statues impacts who inherits property after a person dies....

  • Who Get's Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate and Grandpa's Watch?

    Kaleena Miller andMarsha Goetting, Extension Office|Mar 3, 2021

    This is the fourth in a series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. After a person’s death, the matter of dividing up their personal belongings can become a complicated matter. Just imagine going into the home of someone who has died. As a personal representative (PR) what do you do with all the person’s “stuff?” If the PR is lucky the deceased took advantage of a Montana Uniform Probate Code provision allowing a person to create a separate list specifying the distribution of personal belongings that may have emotional value s...