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Jefferson Valley Community Foundation issues a call to all area nonprofits that the grant cycle has begun. Grant applications for worthwhile long-term community-oriented projects can be obtained at the Whitehall Community Library or by going to the organization’s website, Notice to all non-profit organizations contemplating applying for a JVCF grant: Please be aware that the deadline date was incorrect in the previous information. The correct deadline date for grant applications is October 9, NOT October 19, as originally...
The final two faded wood panel murals have been replaced with two vibrant, bright, beautiful new murals at the Rocky Mountain Bank and the Billsgary building (K-Bar). The murals were again beautifully created by local Whitehall artist Kit Mather. Kit committed her entire summer and portions of her fall to their completion! The murals were both put in place by Tim Geary and his crew. Tim gave his equipment and labor to ensure that the murals would be put in place securely and safely. Besides Tim,...
The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation was pleased to present several community awards to community non-profit organizations at their annual Short and Sweet awards night at the Whitehall Community Center on November 8 at 7 PM. The following grants were awarded that night: • Whitehall Middle/High School: $2,500 for tools and job box for FFA, that grant being the Barrick Co. Grant. • Whitehall Garden Club: $750 for seedlings for Arbor Day. • P.U.L.S.E.: $3,200 to finish the community room...
The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation (JVCF) has begun the evaluation of grants that have been applied for and have met the deadline and the grant standards. Every year the JVCF awards monetary grants to nonprofit organizations that have worthy projects and need financial help for completion of their project. The grant deadline has come and gone and grant applications have been submitted. Last year, the following nonprofits received grants: JV Sportsmen, JV Search and Rescue, Whitehall Food Bank, Whitehall Chamber of Commerce, Town of White...
The ongoing project of the Whitehall Murals Restoration is still alive and vibrant! This year the murals at the Rocky Mountain Bank and the Billsgary Center (K-Bar) buildings will be replaced this fall. It is expected that both murals will be replaced before the good weather ends either in late September or early October. The new murals will be very similar to the previous murals although some changes have been made to make them more historically connected to the Lewis and Clark Journals and more vibrant in color. One change from the original...
Following the successful creation and placement of the beautiful mural at Jefferson Fresh Foods the Whitehall Mural Restoration Project is moving forward strongly in 2023! At this point, it is expected that this year the faded murals at Rocky Mountain Bank and the Billsgary(K-Bar) building will be removed and new vibrant murals will replace them. This repainting and reconstruction is currently underway and progress has been dramatic. The Murals Project would like to sincerely thank Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh and the Town of Whitehall for...
The Whitehall Murals Project, spearheaded by the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce, is excited to announce that it has received a tremendous, helpful grant from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation. The grant consists of an immediate grant of $5,000 and a matching grant of $2,500. The matching grant has, of course, a stipulation. The stipulation for the matching grant is that an additional $2,500.00 will be granted to the project by the Washington Foundation should there be contributions of...
After a summer of anticipation, information, and hard work by Kit Mather the old mural came down and the beautiful new mural went up last Thursday. If you haven't seen it please go to Jefferson Fresh Foods and see it. It is bright, beautiful, and clear. It was a full day to remove the old mural and reinstall the new one. Thanks are due to many people first of all to Kit Mather who gave up her entire summer and worked every single day to make this vision come to fruition. Thanks also to the...
The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation is pleased and excited to announce its Short-and Sweet awards evening. The awards event will be held on November 10th at the Whitehall Community Center beginning at 7:00 PM. Representatives of those non-profit organizations who have applied for specific monetary grants should be present to find out the results of the awarded grant. A pie social will provide delicious refreshments and make the event a special evening, Non-profit organizations who have missed the grant deadline or who were unaware of...
Wow, we’re finally there, the Lewis and Clark mural located on Jefferson Fresh Foods is going up this Thursday (weather permitting)to replace the original weathered mural. Local contractor Tim Geary has agreed to donate personal time to remove the old mural and put the new mural in place. The old mural originally painted by artist Kit Mather with calligraphy done by Carilyn Jenkin has been a beautiful, special, signature for our community’s enthusiasm for art and history. The Whitehall Chamber is looking for a new home for the old mural, tho...
The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation would like to remind all non-profits that plan to apply for grant assistance that the grant deadline is fast approaching. The grant deadline is October 28th. Completed grants should be turned in at the Whitehall Community Library and must be turned in by closing time at the library. Grants must be turned in by 4:00 PM on the 28th. Grant applicants are reminded that only grant applications that are completely filled out will be considered. In order to be complete, the IRS non-profit certification must...
The month of October is an exciting time for those involved in the Whitehall Mural Project. Artist Kit Mather has been working diligently day after day and essentially has given up her entire summer to finish the large mural that will replace the one on Jefferson Fresh Foods. Arrangements have been made to replace the current faded mural with a fresh new creative special work of art. The community of Whitehall has already generously contributed to this project and all who have done so are...
As the summer continues on, so does the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce's mural restoration/renewal project. The first mural to be replaced is located on the south side of Jefferson Fresh Foods. Artist Kit Mather has been working hard and conscientiously to finish and her results and work are completely spectacular. As with any project, there will be ongoing costs for the Whitehall Chamber-sponsored project. Most expenses have thus far been covered by generous grants from the Jefferson Valley...
The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation is calling all area non-profits. The opportunity to apply for monetary grants is fast approaching. As in past years, the Whitehall Community Library under the direction of Library Director Jeannie Ferriss will direct a grant class for those wishing to enter the grant cycle for the JVCF organization’s grant awards. The Grant Workshop will be held on August 20 from 10 AM until noon. Those unable to make the grant writing class may pick up grant applications at the library. All applicants are reminded t...
After one of the most successful Black Tie and Blue Jeans events perhaps ever held, the Whitehall Chamber is pleased to announce one part of the event’s objectives. The event has always had two main objectives: the first is to acquire funds for community-wide enrichment events such as Frontier Days, the Fall Festival, the Christmas Stroll, and the Easter Egg Hunt. The second is to provide funds for grants that in conjunction with the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation will be available to area non-profit organizations to enhance their s...
Dear Editor and Jefferson County Voters, As you mark your ballots for Jefferson County Commissioner if you are uncertain which candidate to vote for, please consider the following: · Dan Hagerty is a Veteran. · Dan Hagerty has served his community selflessly in community service. · Dan Hagerty has an original agenda of intelligent items that will benefit the county in sincere thoughtful ways. · Dan Hagerty is and has only been interested in being a County Commissioner. He understands the importance of the commissioner’s role and has not sough...
Black Tie and Blue Jeans is here! Whitehall's premier social and most enjoyable event is here, this Saturday, May 21. The eighteenth annual event, a joint event of the Whitehall Chamber and the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation will be held at the Copper K Barn with doors opening at 5:30 PM. This year's theme is Red, White, and Blue: Wear your Boots, Get Back to Your Roots! Following a social time to visit with friends and neighbors, a delicious grilled ribeye dinner will begin at 7:00 PM....
Dear Editor, It is certainly true that individuals and institutions are going through difficult budget stretching times. It is definitely a time to prioritize and support those parts of our lives important to ourselves, our families, and our community. Certainly, the Whitehall Community Library is definitely one of the most essential parts of our community! There are some essential facts that are definitely true about our hometown library: the library and Whitehall Schools have a close, cooperative, friendly, working relationship. The library...
Save the Date! Save the Date! SAVE THE DATE! One of The Whitehall community's most exciting events is fast approaching! The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and Jefferson Valley Community Foundation are truly pleased to invite the entire community to the Eighteenth Annual Black Tie and Blue Jeans Dinner and Auction. This event is open to all and will be held May 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM. The theme this year will be, "Wear your Boots, Get Back to Your Roots." Because of tremendous enthusiasm from last...
Dear Editor, Good news! The project to do restoration of the Whitehall Murals is continuing! The first mural to be restored will be the mural located at the Jefferson Fresh Foods. As I’m sure you can imagine there are significant costs to restore that specific mural. In order to facilitate financial contributions to the mural restoration, the Whitehall Chamber has reached a fiscal sponsorship agreement with the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation. This structure creates an opportunity for those who would like to support the mural r...
Dear Editor, Dan Haggerty for County Commissioner! We as concerned citizens are always looking for honest, conscientious representation. People who want to be involved in public service and want to do it truly for public service are few and far between. Dan Haggerty is that person. Dan represented and protected all of Jefferson County for years and established a reputation as a person who really cared about the people he served and protected. Dan served for years in a dangerous and thankless job; a job whereas Deputy Sheriff obviously he did...
The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation has received grant funds from The Dennis and Phyllis Foundation by way of Montana Rail Link. The Jefferson Community Foundation is soliciting applications from area nonprofits for community service projects that could be greatly enhanced by additional funding. The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation has always tried to help and support nonprofit organizations that benefit the area we all call home. When we all are involved together in the improvement of our community, the community moves forward...
This year, appears to be more of a return to normalcy. Vaccinations and anti bodies seem to be giving protection and more confidence in activities and life. We are looking at things in our lives and our home that have been neglected or taken for granted. In our hometown, one of these things either neglected or taken for granted is our heritage Lewis and Clark murals. The murals are especially unique to Whitehall. No other town, certainly in our area, perhaps in the state has anything even remote...