Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 242
I would like to thank the Library Staff and the Friends of the Library for the lovely flowers they sent after my mother's passing. Thank you also to the many patrons for all the touching cards and well wishes. They meant a great deal during this difficult time. On a brighter note, the Library is starting several new programs including a Mommy & Me musical program on Mondays at 10 AM. Dads are also invited for this fun time of music and movement. This will run during February except for...
The Library will be starting a new book club in February entitled “Silent Readers.” The idea is for anyone who would like to come to the Library and read without having to engage in lengthy conversations. This is a great opportunity for those who spend a great deal of time alone and would just like to be around people without having to do a lot of interacting with them. The club will begin on February 6th from 4 PM to 7 PM. There will be snacks, drinks, and of course, lots of books to read. There is no need to sign up, just come and enjoy the...
The Library will be closed on Monday, January 15th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will be open the rest of the week for regular hours. This is the 37th marking of the holiday and falls on Dr. King’s birthday this year. He is best known for his work in non-violent activism during the Civil Rights Movement. Mystery Book Club meets on January 16th at 5 PM. Mystery Readers are invited to come and share their favorite authors, latest reads, and other fun mystery trivia. The group meets after our Knitting Group, which meets every Tuesday from 1-3...
Happy New Year’s Day to everyone. The Library will be closed on January 1st but open the rest of the week for regular hours. The book drop is open any time the Library isn’t so feel free to drop things in if you are finished with them or they need to be returned. We will also be closed on Monday, January 15th, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and open regular hours the rest of the week. If you have older children who would like to sign up for the children’s quilt class on Friday afternoons, please call and let us know at 287-3763. We have limit...
You may have noticed the pamphlet rack beside the children’s computers and wondered what all those little booklets are. They are a series of information that helps parents of young children on how reading helps their children develop all through their growth from babies to preschoolers. Provided by the Montana State Library (thank you all so much!!) the Ready2Read Project lets parents, guardians, grandparents, childhood educators, and anyone else who works with young children, explore the advantages at each grade level of reading to children a...
The Library will be closed for Christmas on December 23rd -25th. The Library will be open on Friday for regular hours and on Tuesday for regular hours. The book drop will be emptied during the weekend if patrons wish to return things during the holidays. The Library will be closed on January 1st and open regular hours the rest of the week for New Year’s Day. There will be no programming between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day as the staff will be busy planning all of the new programs for the winter season. Don’t forget to pick up your book...
We want to extend a BIG thank you to our Friends and volunteers who helped out in the Library during the Christmas Fest. Patrons selected over 200 coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks from the Winter Wear Giveaway. It was so much fun to see all the children showing us their new hats and winter clothing. Thank you to everyone who donated new items for this most important program. Wednesday, December 13th, the Library will be hosting an adult Christmas Crafts gathering at 2:30 PM. Crafters...
The Christmas Festival is around the corner and the Library will host its normal packed schedule of activities and treats. On Saturday, December 9th, the Library will be open from 9 AM to 4 PM and will begin the day with the Friends Book Sale at 9 AM. Books will be $1 a bag for the day. Children's crafts will go from 10 AM to noon. Children of all ages may come and create their own colorful Christmas stockings and ornaments. All materials will be provided by the Library. Then at noon, the...
The Christmas Festival is around the corner and the Library will host its normal packed schedule of activities and treats. On Saturday, December 9th, the Library will be open from 9 AM to 4 PM and we will begin the day with the Friends Book Sale at 9 AM. Books will be $1 a bag for the day. Children’s crafts will be from 10 AM to 12 PM. Children of all ages may come and create their own colorful Christmas stockings and ornaments. All materials will be provided by the Library. Then at noon, the Winter Wear Giveaway will begin. Patrons may s...
The Library will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd, and Friday, November 24th for Thanksgiving. We will be open on Saturday for regular hours. We are excited to see all of the new Christmas decorations the Friends have provided this year. The Homeschool Hangout students are going to decorate the Library on November 30th so it will be already for the season. We will also be displaying our holiday books and movies so they will be easy to find for everyone. The Library has been steadily increasi...
This Wednesday evening, November 15th, at 6 PM Arlene Weber will be giving an old-fashioned slide show on the history of Whitehall. This is the second of three programs the Library will be hosting to share Arlene’s never-ending knowledge of Whitehall and the surrounding areas. Come bring your family for a great night of fun and discovery. The Library has received news we have been selected for a $3,000 grant for children’s materials through the John Henry Eldred Jr. Foundation and the Dorothy Louise Kyler Fund, which was created to help sup...
The holidays are getting closer and lots of events and projects are in the works. I have a request for any of our quilting friends, we need quilt batting to finish a project for the K-8th graders in the Friday afterschool program. If you have any pieces 36" by 36" and would be willing to donate them for the program, please drop them off at the Library. We are also collecting new hats, gloves, scarves, and coats for our Winter Wear Giveaway. Others are also busy getting ready to play Santa for...
With all of the holiday activities beginning to start, we are going to begin the Holocaust Project again in January. Thursday evenings are especially booked this time of year, and everyone agreed the subject was not conducive during the joy of the season. Everyone has books to read, and this will give them a chance to catch up before the first meeting on January 25th at 6 PM. The Library will be closed on Friday, November 10th, for Veteran’s Day but open on Saturday. The Library will also be closed on November 23rd and 24th for Thanksgiving. W...
Fraud is a problem for everyone these days, but for our seniors who are not as tech-savvy, it can be devastating. Blair Stapleton, the Investor Education & Public Outreach Coordinator for the Office of the Montana State Auditor is coming to do a fun and educational program on how to protect yourself against fraud in the age of technology. The program will be held on Tuesday, November 14th from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM at the Library. There will be a free lunch served, a short educational presentation, and then a great time of Fraud Prevention...
Next week will be a busy week at the Library, with programs going on every day for young and old alike! Monday evening, October 23rd, at 5:30 PM the Rockhounding Group will be having their monthly meeting. Montana isn’t called the Treasure State for nothing, and this is a wonderful way to learn about local geology, fossils, and gemstones. Participants may hear guest speakers, take field trips, and share treasures they have found. There are always people there who really know their rocks and are happy to help identify any items people bring i...
October is the month for special programs and the Library is hosting two great local speakers. On October 12th at 6 PM you are invited to come and hear a history of the Lewis & Clark caves by Kenslee Jory. Then in the vein of local history, Arlene Weber will be here on October 17th at 6 PM to share the history of Whitehall. For those who have lived here their whole lives or new residents alike, these will be great nights to learn about our local history. The Knitting group has expanded to include anyone who has a handcraft they want to finish...
Fall is here and with it come the fall holidays. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for October 9th, as the Library will be closed for Columbus/Indigenous People’s Day. I have one calendar that calls it one thing and another that calls it the other, so I am going with both. We will be open the rest of the week for regular hours. Next Thursday evening, October 12th, at 6 PM the Library will be hosting a program on the history of the Lewis & Clark Caverns. Our favorite VISTA volunteer, Kenslee Jory, will be sharing all sorts of fun facts and the...
It was in September 1944 that Anne Frank and the inhabitants of the Secret Annex arrived at Auschwitz and it seems fitting that the Library will begin its third year of the Holocaust Project. The Holocaust Book Discussion Group will meet on Thursday, September 28th at 6 PM and is open to teens and adults. Due to the topic content, it is not recommended for children under 12. The project covers Holocaust Literature, awareness projects such as the Survivor/Rescuer Fair, trips to Holocaust museums, speakers, conversations with survivors, and...
I really love the fact that the children and young adults who come into the Library get along, no matter if they are homeschooled, private schooled, or public school. It is fun to watch them interact and share information about what they are doing, studying, and participating in outside of the school day. All Library programs are open to anyone who wants to participate, and this gives families from every type of education a chance to mingle and make new friends. That being said, the two homeschool roundup groups met last week and are planning...
Librarians love to snitch ideas from other libraries and share their ideas with others. I recently ended up on the St. Louis Public Library’s newsletter list;: I’m still not sure how. It gives all of the different programs they do during the week, future events, and relevant news. This fall we will be doing between 10 to 14 programs a week and having ideas from other libraries will help us vary and increase our programs so they never get stale. Coming up with different story time ideas, after school events, and adult programs always works the s...
It seems like this summer flew by. I can’t believe I am putting the notice in this week’s column that we will be closed on Labor Day, September 4th. We will be open on Saturday for regular hours and again on Tuesday. The Library follows the County closing schedule so if anyone isn’t sure if we will be closed or not just look at the front door. We try to post closings a week in advance so everyone can see them. History Book Club will meet on Monday, August 28th at 6 PM. We are reading something from everyone’s to-be-read pile. Readers always...
The Library was filled with the sound of young chefs as the 6th-grade orientation class visited on Monday and Tuesday to learn how to make their own nutritious lunches. Thanks to the Friends of the Library, students were able to make a variety of dishes for lunches including ham/turkey wraps, chicken & fruit salad, trail mix, and apple snacks. Rockhounding will meet on August 21 at 5:30 PM. This is a great time of year to get out and explore the wonders of the Treasure State. If you are...
It feels like fall, smells like fall, and looks like fall but I am still not ready for the seasons to change. To help me get in the mood for September, I have almost finished the September calendar. There are programs for everyone and here are a few of the highlights set for next month: • Rodger Richmond of Richmond Appraisal Service is doing a four-week antique appraisal for anyone who would like to discover what their treasures are worth. He will be in the Library from 5 PM to 7 PM on T...
This summer is flying by, and I can't believe that Summer Reading ended this week. We will still have prizes from the store available through the middle of August for our readers who are on vacation. It was so much fun to create our own program that we decided to do it again next year. The ability to tailor the programs, themes, and crafts to our readers is a better fit for us than a national program. Brandi and I met with our friends at the school and set times and themes for Friday morning...
I can't believe we only have two weeks of summer reading left! Where did this summer go? On Wednesday, July 19th, at 10:30 AM Kyle Graves will be here for our annual magic show. Then on Wednesday, July 26th, at 10:30 AM we will have our end-of-the-summer reading program party and store for everyone who participated in the summer reading program. It will be a great time for everyone. If you have worked in libraries as long as I have, you may be lucky enough to discover a patron who loves your...