Sorted by date Results 151 - 175 of 242
What a great day to wake up to a winter wonderland! I usually write my column on Mondays, in case any of our programming changes, so imagine my surprise at seeing actual snow on the ground! It reminded me that the library will be closed this Friday and Saturday for Christmas and next Friday and Saturday for the New Year holiday. We will be emptying the book drop during the weekend, so feel free to return materials. We still have a few coats and socks left from the Winter Wear Giveaway. If you or someone else in your family needs winter wear, st...
What an amazing weekend! Congratulations to the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce, Lorie Steerman and Rhea Armstrong for such a wonderful event. The library hosted 770 adults, youth, and children in seven different programs during the day. Our counter said 680 people came in on Saturday to enjoy a variety of activities. I want to thank my incredible staff, volunteers, Deanna Mydland of PBSKids, Friends of the Library and our own beloved Santa Claus. This year Santa had two elves, Kay Crusch and...
The Christmas Stroll is coming, and the Library will be packed with special events all day. December 11th will see the Library open from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the Friends Book Sale. Everything will be on sale for 10, 20 or 25 cents. There will be loads of bargains and different things to choose from. Then at 9:00 a.m., Deanna Mydland from PBSKids will be teaching a cookie-making workshop for children and their parents. Everyone will explore the wonders of easy holiday baking and take home a...
I can't believe it is already the beginning of December. To help everyone get in the holiday spirit, the staff is hosting a "Decorate the Library Party" on Friday, December 3rd, at 3 PM. Everyone is invited to help decorate the library for Christmas by putting up trees, decorating the windows, hanging swags, and more. There will be treats and fun for everyone as the library gets decked out for the season! December will bring our Crafts4Christmas programs which will give everyone a chance to...
Please mark your calendar for our Thanksgiving holiday hours. The library will be closed on November 25th and 26th then we will be open regular hours during the rest of the month. Enjoy the holidays with your families and remember to stock up now on new books and videos for the long weekend. On Friday, December 3rd, at 3:00 p.m. the staff will be hosting a Decorate the Library Party. Everyone is invited to help decorate the library for Christmas by putting up trees, decorating the windows, hanging swags, and more. There will be treats and fun...
We are in full Fall mode this week and there is no better way to celebrate the changing of the seasons than with Sweet Tea Tales on November 18th at 6:00 p.m. This month’s theme is Comics and Cheese. Enter your favorite cheese dish and bring a favorite comic or graphic novel to discuss. The contest is open to any budding chef and there are prizes for the winners. Please mark your calendar for our Thanksgiving holiday hours. The library will be closed on November 25th and 26th then we will be open regular hours during the rest of the month. E...
The Whitehall Community Library is very much in the news this month. If you would like to see the three different stories our friends at KXLF (CBS) have posted about our various programs and events, just go to their website at: to see interviews with local students, children and more. The library will be closed on November 11th for Veterans Day and then on November 25th and 26th for Thanksgiving. We will be open regular hours during the...
This Thursday, October 28, at 6:00 p.m. will be our second Holocaust Project program. Team leaders will meet at 5:00 p.m. for committee reports and planning then the program will open to the public at 6:00 p.m. Due to some scheduling changes we will be discussing everyone’s books for the last two months. Our speakers are coming in November and dates will be announced in later columns. Our little Reader’s Theater group will be giving its performance at 3:45 p.m. on November 4th at the Library. These 2nd and 3rd graders have worked hard to learn...
Just a reminder that school will be out Thursday and Friday of this week, so there will be lots of little ones on their way to the library. Please watch out for those crossing both streets by the library as our bike riders are not always aware of how fast cars are traveling! There will be no Art Camp on this Wednesday, and no Reader's Theater or STEM Camp on Thursday due to school being out. All programs will resume next week at their usual times. We will be having a special musical story time...
Beginning this Wednesday, October 6th, at 6:00 p.m. we will be running our next section of "Spotting Fake News." If you are interested in taking these next three sessions on discovering how to authenticate websites, track sources through lateral reading, and discover who is behind the information you are seeking, this is the class for you. Please call the library at 287-3763 to sign up. Family Game night will be Thursday, October 7th, at 6:00 p.m. Bring your family, friends, and favorite games t...
The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are falling, and everyone is starting to think about indoor activities. On Thursday, September 30th, at 5:30 p.m. the Library is hosting a family and friends game night. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite board games, snacks, drinks, and friends/family members to enjoy an evening of fun. This is open to all ages and patrons may choose whichever game they would like to join. The Library has several shelves of board games which will also be available to use. Our painting classes are back in full...
Our “Spotting Fake News” class still has a few openings for those who would like to discover how to authenticate web sites, learn about lateral reading and native sponsorship, navigate fake sites to learn the tells which let you know what information is accurate or not, and more. You may bring your own computer or use one of the Library’s but please let us know if you plan to attend. For all of you who have awaited the return of “Sweet Tea Tales,” this is your week! Our popular baking contest will have its first tasting on Thursday, September 1...
Do you have a middle schooler who thrives on drama? This is their chance to put it all too good use and come join the Library staff in creating our first melodrama! The cast will be writing the script, casting the actors, deciding on backdrops and props, and of course performing for an audience. If you love over the top acting or are an adult who wants to join the fun, be at the Library on September 13 at 3:45 p.m. I have been talking about our Entrepreneur Resource Center for several months now and we are ready to start sharing our knowledge....
Nothing makes you appreciate beautiful Montana weather like spending two weeks down south in 98% humidity and temperatures in the 100’s! Imagine my delight in getting off the plane to a cool 69 degrees last Friday. Thank you to everyone who asked about my mom, she is doing well now and ready to get out and about. September is our programming kick-off month and there is something for everyone. The best way to find out about the different programs going on is to pick up a calendar at the front desk. We have melodramas, art classes, STEM camp, b...
Sunday was quite the downpour in Whitehall, but I must say, it was lovely to wake up and feel the cool air pouring in my windows. It made me realize how fast fall is approaching with all the fall programs beginning in September. I don’t know about anyone else, but it seems this summer just disappeared before we even had a chance to enjoy it. A reminder that the library will be closed on Labor Day, September 6th. We will be open regular schedule the rest of the weekend. I thought I would give everyone a little fall preview of the new programs w...
If you are hiding from the heat, stop by the Library and grab a sack of books from the book sale. This is the time when staff weeds the collection to make room for new books, so there are lots of new things to choose from. If you are weeding your own collection, remember that the Library takes donations of all types (just no VHS tapes or cassettes). The money from the book sale goes to the Friends so they may support the many projects and programs which happen at the Library during the year....
What a wonderful Frontier Days! Thank you to everyone who made it possible. At the Library, the book sale was going full force as people were hauling out bags full of books for a dollar a bag. Thank you, Friends, for manning the sale while staff was busy with 40 little ones at Read & Feed. By the time you read this the Summer Reading program will have ended at the Library, but I wanted everyone to know that we are still honoring reading sheets which may be turned in through August 20. There are...
The Whitehall Community Library has been awarded a Teen Project Democracy grant of $5000. Whitehall, along with the public libraries in Missoula and Billings, are the three sites chosen for this year’s projects centered around Holocaust study. The project will be teen-led and is open to youth 14-17 years of age. The Whitehall Community Library invites Whitehall School District students to participate from September 2021 to May 2022 in this leadership opportunity. The requirements are as follows: each participant must sign a letter of c...
This has been such a week of giving to the Whitehall Community Library! It started out with Roger Steerman and Jarrin Cheuvront framing the outside space for our new bench. Then 4 Rivers Concrete Products donated the concrete and delivered it last Friday. We had quite the work crew as they smoothed the surface in preparation for the bench and set up protective fencing for it to dry. This week the bench is scheduled to be secured to the concrete and ready to enjoy. Thank you so much to everyone...
Get out your magic hats, wands, and rabbits! We will have the incredible Kyle here for our annual summer reading magic show on July 21 at 10:30 p.m. Do not forget to bring your reading logs to turn in for prizes! Thursday, July 22 at 2:30 p.m. will be ART Camp with Sara. For those creative children who need to paint, draw, mold clay, and more, this is an afternoon of fun just for you. ART Camp alternates with STEM Camp every other week so mad scientists can get their experiments done. The Library will be hosting a special two-day event on July...
Summer is tough time for young mothers to get a little time off and good babysitters are always in demand. If you have a young person interested in getting into the babysitting business, the Extension Office will be teaching a four week Babysitting clinic on Tuesday afternoon, starting July 6th through July 27th at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome, but registration is required in order for there to be enough handouts and supplies for everyone. The clinic is free but the presenters need to know who is coming. The Summer Reading program for July...
As everyone is looking forward to the Fourth of July holiday, I want to remind you that the Library will be closed on July 5th. We will be open on Saturday as usual. Please also be on the lookout for the many children who are arriving and leaving from programs. It is a busy time of year for us and we want everyone to stay safe. If you have a young person interested in getting into the babysitting business, the Extension Office will be teaching a four week Babysitting clinic on Tuesday afternoons, starting July 6 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome...
I love preschoolers, they get right to the point! Last week we had PBS here for a special program and their media person came along to do an on-camera interview about the library and its partnership with PBSKids. One of my favorite tiny humans asked me why they were here and when I told him, he asked me what I did all day to rate such an interview. After thinking about it, I decided to share the answer with everyone. Libraries have changed so much in the last ten years. As a librarian, I spend...
Summer is a great time for hiking in Montana and this month we continue our hiking series with Vaia Errett on Wednesday, June 16th at 6:30 p.m. She will be sharing her hiking adventures around Jefferson County as well as providing information on the most interesting hikes close to home. Next week Vanne Mocilac explores the joys of long-term deep woods hiking in the Northwest. STEM Camp returns this Thursday, June 17th at 2:30 p.m. Robin will be discovering the physics of boats and how they...
As the temperatures rise this summer, I want to thank the Friends of the Library for providing our second air conditioner. This is a big building, and everyone has complimented the staff on how nice it is to come in to such a cool reading spot! The summer blockbuster books are starting to arrive this week. Cindi McCain has written an autobiography of her life with Senator John McCain entitled “Stronger” and non-fiction fans will find this book a fascinating story of their lives. For historical fiction fans “The Last Night in London” by Karen W...