Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 242
I can hardly believe March is just around the corner, but this week's lovely weather proves spring is on its way. I am ordering new books and loving all the summer blockbusters coming out in the next few months. Soon, the Whitehall Community Library will have new books by C.J. Box, Lisa Unger, Pam Jenoff, J.D. Robb, Lisa Black, Sandra Brown, Laura Childs, and more. For mystery fans, Harlan Coben, John Sandford, Fern Michaels, Jeffery Deaver, Michael Connelly, and Anne Hillerman have added to...
This week and next are full of activities at the Whitehall Community Library. Many have noticed that the stairway and children's areas are getting a new look, as artist Teresa Young is painting a full-scale mural on the new office wall and sunflowers down the stairs. With all the snow falling this year, it makes things so cheerful to see all the bright colors, which give hope of warm weather and spring. Our first Teen History Book Club meets on Friday, February 21st, at 1 PM. The History Book...
Brandi and I are moving into our new office created within the Whitehall Community Library this week; please be patient if we need to look for things! It is a great office and the staff is very excited about all the changes in their space. Once crammed together and buried in my projects, they'll have a great, clean area to spread out in. We can all be organized and neat! If you happen to see John Smith, thank him for the wonderful donation, as he gave all the materials to build the office as a g...
The Whitehall Community Library's Cupid Crew is gearing up for our annual Valentine's delivery on February 14th. If you have a senior who would love a long-stemmed rose for Valentine's Day, please call us at 287-3763 to get on the list. Last year, we almost ran out, so an additional 50 roses were ordered for the Cupid Crew program. This program provides roses for seniors at no cost to the library; our volunteers deliver them. The 21st Century program teamed up with us this year and made cards an...
Whitehall Community Library patrons may have noticed the construction in the library this last week; Ron Jung and friends are building an office for Miss Brandi and myself to put all of our projects, computers, paperwork, and other supplies in. This will allow us privacy in online training sessions when talking to patrons and in meetings. The rest of the staff is thrilled to have the desk space open for their book processing, reserves, craft projects, and donation sorting. Teresa Young will...
I was redoing my computer terms for our adult computer class at the Whitehall Community Library this week and was amazed at how many new terms were added. In this ever-changing world of technology, terminology is increasing almost daily. Keeping up with it is nearly as important as learning all of the new programs and gadgets. For our seniors, this radical change in lifestyles is difficult at best and devastating at worst for those who grew up with dial phones, no remotes for anything, and...
I was redoing my computer terms for our adult computer class at the Whitehall Community Library this week and was amazed at how many new terms were added. In this ever-changing world of technology, terminology is increasing almost daily. Keeping up with it is nearly as important as learning all of the new programs and gadgets. For our seniors, this radical change in lifestyles is difficult at best and devastating at worst for those who grew up with dial phones, no remotes for anything, and getti...
I hope everyone has recovered from all of the fun holiday activities. The Whitehall Community Library is easing back into the winter programming schedule, and calendars are at the front desk. We have a new winter reading program called "Who Read It?" Patrons keep track of their reading time and turn sheets in for clues. The clues help participants discover which staff member is reading which book. There are clues for all four staff and clues for which adult or children's/YA books they read. If...
Back by popular demand beginning in January, the Whitehall Community Library will hold adult computer classes. These free classes will be held on Mondays at 1:30 PM starting January 6th. Please register at the library so we can ensure enough laptops for everyone. Our favorite artist, Joan Dedyker, will begin painting classes on January 7th at 2 PM. You may have seen the exhibit of her work this fall in the display case. The library provides all of the materials needed to create a stunning...
Christmas at the Library was a huge success, and we had 410 people in attendance at the Whitehall Community Library. It could not have happened without the help of some amazing people. Thank you to my devoted staff, who never quit moving as they did one activity after another and then stayed to clean up. Thank you also to our volunteers and Friends who made cookies, helped run the desk, washed books, assisted with programs, sorted a mountain of winter wear to give away, and answered questions...
December calendars are out and available at the front desk of the Whitehall Community Library. The program changes, closing dates, and computer class announcements are all included. The library will be closed on December 24th and 25th for Christmas and December 31/January 1 for New Year's. We will be running a full, regular schedule during the rest of the week. The book drop is always open for those who want to return finished items. History Book Club meets early this month on Monday, December...
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! The Whitehall Community Library will be closed on Thursday, November 28th, and Friday, November 29th, for the holiday. We will be open all other days at regular hours. We have a huge book order coming in this week and next, so look for lots of new adult fiction, children's, and young adult books. The staff has been processing new DVDs in time for the holiday vacations as well, so check the new movie section. December is coming, and the...
The wait is over! The Christmas At The Library schedule is set! On Saturday, December 7th, the Whitehall Community Library will open at 9 AM and close at 3 PM. The Friends of the Library book sale will be open the entire day, with hardbacks going for 20 cents and paperbacks selling for 10 cents. Children's activities will run from 10 AM to noon. The Winterwear Giveaway will take place from 11 AM to 1 PM. The afternoon activities will run from 1 PM to 3 PM, with a visit from Santa, the annual...
There are so many new people moving into Whitehall I am tempted to put up a map and mark all the places they have moved from. We have new residents from different countries, every state in the Union, and fellow Montanans who just wanted a quieter life away from all of the city's problems. It makes my heart happy that so many of them are strong readers and want to get involved with their local Whitehall Community Library. Our Friends of the Library group is the perfect way to learn about library...
The Whitehall Community Library has received multiple inquiries about what the library is doing for Christmas. For almost 20 years, Santa has come to play with the children here for other activities. Again, this year, we will be having Christmas at the library. Santa will be here for his 18th appearance, and the Winter Wear Giveaway will hand out coats, hats, gloves, and other winter wear. There will be children’s programming, gifts for all of our stressed-out patrons, and music. Watch for more information here. I love holidays and hate to s...
Children's poetry is the best-kept secret in the Whitehall Community Library's collection. For those who love "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein, there are many other wonderful silly poetry books to read. "Miles of Smiles," edited by Bruce Lansky, is a book for those who like to send their children into fits of laughter with read-aloud volumes on every subject, from showering backward in the sink to "An Everything Pizza" about a pizza that literally has everything on it. Speaking of...
November is a busy time for holidays and events, so I want to remind everyone of the days the Whitehall Community Library will be closed during that time. The library will be closed on November 5th for Election Day, November 11th for Veterans Day, and November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving. The library will be open the rest of the month during regular hours. The book drop is always open if anyone needs to return items when the library is closed. The Mystery Book Club will be meeting Tuesday,...
The Friends of the Whitehall Community Library will meet Thursday, October 10th at 5:30 PM in the library. They have many things to discuss and welcome anyone who would like to join them. The Friends will be working on Christmas activities, grants in processes, and other projects. The library will be closed for the Columbus Day holiday on Monday, October 14. The library will be open the rest of the week at regular times. The staff are training new volunteers this month so if you see someone...
The Whitehall Community Library's October calendars are out! They are packed with fun programs for everyone and are free to the public. Check out the week and find the programs that will lift your week! Just a quick note: on October 14, the library will be closed for the Columbus Day holiday. Many changes and updates are being planned for the library in the near future. While the staff is doing a happy dance over the new copier, bigger things are ahead. The library was given a large gift/grant...
The Whitehall Community Library will be part of a larger group of libraries hosting "An Evening with Chris La Tray - Poet Laureate" on Monday, September 30th, from 6:30 PM to 8 PM on Zoom. You may visit the library to watch the program or via Zoom by registering at The program is free and open to the public, so register now or come down to the library to enjoy it. If you register online, you will receive an email with the login information to join. It should be a won...
We are back to full schedule this week and the Whitehall Community Library is busier than ever. Don’t forget that next Wednesday on September 25, from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM our Vet Talk friend Tim Colvin will be in the library to assist our veterans and their spouses with any issues they are having or just need information or help with. This is a totally free and confidential service provided by the Department of Military Affairs, Veterans Affairs Division, and the State of Montana. Please feel f...
We all love technology when it works and want to melt it down into toasters when it doesn’t! After what seems like forever, though it has not really been that long, the Whitehall Community Library is getting a new copier, fax machine, and scanner all rolled into one! You will probably hear the library staff cheering all over town when it arrives; until then, we can scan, fax, or make copies at the library, but only in small quantities. If you have art-oriented children, this week's Art Camp p...
Fall is the time of new beginnings, and the Whitehall Community Library's calendar is no exception. In September, the Library will host a program entitled Homeschool Mom Roundup for mothers of homeschoolers who want to discuss issues that apply to home education. The program begins September 26 at 6 PM and meets monthly on the last Thursday of the month. At the Library, we do programming for all types of schooling: public, homeschool, private, and religious schools. Everyone is invited to any program the library presents, which is always free....
I can hardly believe it will be September at the end of this week! Where did the summer disappear to? These are the most common comments I hear from almost everyone at the Whitehall Community Library! We had two mini-seasons this summer that remind me of the songs Smoke Gets in Your Eyes and We Have a Heat Wave! Speaking of September, the Curiosity Untamed group is taking a break until October. They will be back again with new fun things to do for those with memory loss. I couldn't help but...
As always, the Whitehall Community Library will be closed for Labor Day but open regular hours during the rest of the week. Labor Day is a yearly celebration of American workers’ social and economic achievements. It began in the cities during 1885 and 1886 when ordinances were passed and then moved to the state level, according to the Department of Labor. On June 28, 1894, it became a yearly federal holiday on the first Monday of September. President Grover Cleveland signed the law to begin, and now Labor Day is celebrated nationwide with p...