Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by georgia

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  • Just Ask Georgia: 3/8/2023

    GEORGIA|Mar 8, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, How often does Judge Judy hand out death sentences on her show? I’ve watched every episode, I think, and I’ve never seen her deal with more than debts, who is the father questions, and mundane things like that. Where are the serious cases? Wanting More Dear More, Well, darling, you see...well, there’s a lot it seems you need to see. While Judge Judith Susan Sheindlin was formerly a prosecutor and Manhattan family court judge, she is now a court-show arbitrator. Her judgments are legally binding, but the proce...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 3/1/2023

    GEORGIA|Mar 1, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, Do the British use forks or is there some kind of England-ish utensil akin to chopsticks? I’m going on vacation to Venice soon and don’t want to look stupid when I eat. Chopstick Challenged Dear Challenged, I feel that this question is the least of your issues. Use a fork, just as you do in the USA. FYI - Venice is in Italy, not England. Make sure you check your boarding pass to make sure you actually know where you are headed. With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, Am I older than my “older”sister? She was...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 2/8/2023

    Georgia|Feb 8, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, My family was having a reunion and we had a big dinner. I was sitting next to an aunt that I’d only met one other time and she was talking about something really boring, and crying and wailing at the dinner table. I had to fart, so I let one out and it was really horrible. One of my brothers laughed and the aunt went hysterical and my mom sent me to bed without dinner. Why would this be considered rude? Tootie Toddy Dear Tootie, It sounds as if your parents did not inform you that bodily functions should be done i...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 1/25/2023

    Georgia|Jan 25, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, I have many men pursuing me. Many MANY men. My mom thinks this just isn’t right and that I should pick one and go from there. But why should I settle with one man when I have so many men chasing me? Hot Commodity Dear Hot, It’s okay darling, cheap stuff attracts the most customers. With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, I just had a baby and he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. My parents bought me a stroller for him and it is just, well, hideous. But then I saw someone with the ugliest baby eve...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 1/18/2023

    GEORGIA|Jan 18, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, I’m planning to go on a weekend trip with a couple of my girlfriends. I’m going to be bringing my baby; she is seven months old and is strictly breastfed, so obviously, I have to bring her. One of my friends wants to come on the trip as well but wants to bring her almost two-year-old. The two-year-old uses cups and is self-sufficient. I feel like that kind of defeats the purpose of a girls' trip without children. I don’t want her to bring her child! How do I tell her without sounding rude or mean? Please help. Only...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 1/11/2023

    Georgia|Jan 11, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, I swallowed an ice cube whole over a week ago. I’m really scared because I still haven’t, you know...expelled it...yet. It’s really going to hurt when it comes out and I need to prepare. Any advice? Ice Cube Blockage Dear Blockage, What are they teaching you and our youth in school these days? melts. It won’t, you know...come out WHOLE. You are fine! Please...pick up a science book and read a little! With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, My momma always told me not to look directly into the sun bec...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 1/4/2023

    GEORGIA|Jan 4, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, I am 52 and getting married in about six months (first). My best friend, whom I love dearly, is assuming I want her to be my matron of honor. I have not asked her because she weighs about 400 pounds. I hate myself for not wanting her to be in the wedding because it would just break her heart. People stare at her and point as she is also very short, so it looks worse (if we can say that). I feel awful, but I am just being honest. I don’t want her to ruin my wedding photos. How can I handle this? Matron Problems D...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 12/28/2022

    Georgia|Dec 28, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, I’m so lost! Isn’t NFL just for the U.S.?! How does New England have a team?????? New England isn’t part of the United States! I just had this same argument with someone who told me Georgia is a country, not just a state. Idiots! New England is England Dear New England, Oh, sweet summer child. New England is the northeast corner of the USA, made up of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont - NONE of which are in England. The New England Patriots are based in the greater Bosto...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 12/

    GEORGIA|Dec 14, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, I recently learned that a small man has been living in my attic for the past 53 weeks, unbeknownst to me and my family. He doesn’t speak any English and he acts feral. I don’t know what to get him for Christmas this year. Any suggestions? Clueless Dear Clueless, What wHaT WHAT?!?! He lived in your attic for over a year and you want to get him a Christmas present? How about charging him back rent? Well, you are much nicer than I am. Hmmm...I guess...maybe a heated blanket? With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a que...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 12/7/2022

    Georgia|Dec 7, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, I (22M) was on Facetime with my girlfriend (20F) and my sister (11F) walks in. She has tears streaming down her face. I quickly move to comfort her. She comes in for a hug, and I hold her face while wiping a tear, asking her what happened (doesn’t matter, typical 11-year-old stuff). My girlfriend is made uncomfortable by this and tells me that she thinks it's really weird to, as she put it, caress her face. I’m quite confused by this, as I consider this a normal interaction between us siblings. Am I in the wrong her...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 11/30/2022

    Georgia|Nov 30, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, My daughter is fourteen and still sleeps with a buys stuffed animals. How do I get to stop? This is so embarrassing! Too Old For Stuffies Dear Too Old, You need to grow up! Yes, you! How does what your daughter sleeps with, in the privacy of her own bed, embarrass you? I am an aged adult and I still sleep with a teddy bear. I use it because it supports my arm and besides that, it is cute as heck! Maybe your daughter needs emotional support and comfort... probably from you... as you don’t seem the most loving i...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 11/16/2022

    Georgia|Nov 16, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question. My wife changed her Facebook status from “married” to “widowed”. Should I be worried? Not Dead Yet Yet, Yet is the key word here! Get outta there! Run, run, RUN! With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question. I have a dog. His name is Charlie and he is four years old. I’m just wondering when I should start to teach him about sex. What age do you think is appropriate? Naive Pupper Pupper, I highly doubt your pupper doesn’t already know about the birds and the bees. Also, this isn’t exactly something someone can t...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 11/9/2022

    Georgia|Nov 9, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, I hate this word, but it is the only way to describe this. Why is my grandma’s house always...moist? Like, everything just feels swampy in there. She lives here in Montana, with no humidity, yet I feel like I’m in the bayou when I visit. Her table is damp, her chair is wet, and the air is...well, again, moist. I don’t get it. Disliking the Moisture Dear Moisture, Oh, is a crazy thing. My guess is your grandma has a humidifier that may be turned on a little too often, which may make the Montana air f...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 10/12/2022

    Georgia|Oct 12, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, Are birth control pills tax deductible? Planning Ahead Dear Planning, Only if they don’t work. With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, I am a twenty-three-year-old liberated woman who has been on the pill for two years. It’s getting expensive and I think my boyfriend should share half the cost. The problem is, I don’t know him well enough to discuss money with him. What should I do? Don't Know Him Dear Know Him, don’t know the man you’re sleeping with well enough to discuss money with him, you certainly...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 10/5/2022

    Georgia|Oct 5, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, I’ve always been fascinated by the Superheroes we grew up watching on the Saturday morning cartoons. Many of these, we now know as adults, were just make-believe, being just, you know, cartoons, but when movies like Superman came out later on, we KNEW that he, at least, was real, even though he was actually an alien, which explains his powers. Batman, although he was a Superhero, didn’t really have any powers; he just had some amazing toys! Then, we learned that Spiderman and The Flash were real too, even though the...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 9/28/2022

    Georgia|Sep 28, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question, I need advice! My fiance and I are having lots of issues right now. We can’t stop fighting and I don’t know what to do. I quit my job because wedding planning is taking up so much time and now my fiance is refusing to get a second job. He doesn’t understand that I don’t have time to get ready for work, drive to work, be somewhere else all day, and drive home - I need to be HOME to plan this wedding! I asked him to get a second job and he won’t - he says he already works 60+ hours a week and that I need to get a job...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 9/21/2022

    Georgia|Sep 21, 2022

    Dear Georgia, I have a question. I’m a single mom going to college and living with my sister. A couple of weeks ago, I asked my neighbor, a very nice guy, if he could watch my kids for two hours while I went to class because my sister was not home. He agreed. If he babysits and doesn’t accept pay, can I sue him for child support because he took on a fatherly role? I’m sure I can convince a court that he accepted a fatherly role, which is how who owes child support is determined in my home state. I really need this money. What do you think...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 9/14/2022

    Georgia|Sep 14, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question. I’m Gen X and I have a huge problem with how I am left carrying the weight for Millenials. For example, I’m 42 and my daughter is 22. She decided a while ago she does not want any kids. She’s actually getting a procedure for sterilization next year. But those souls needing to come into our family for ancestral or karmic reasons still need to be born. So I’m stuck birthing and raising two babies who should have been born to her but can’t be because she’s too selfish to have kids. We joke how my 1.5-year-ol...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 9/7/2022

    Georgia|Sep 7, 2022

    Dear Georgia, After years of shopping at Walmart, I have become aware that the acceptable shopping attire at these stores is pajamas, of varying sorts, and to one degree or another. I’m not mentioning any place names or my age, but in the time and place where I grew up, this would not have been in the least acceptable. However, times DO change, and as they say, When in Rome... So anyway, my question. Since most days I wear pajamas all day since I work from my home office, do I need to change into my nighttime PJs before I head out to W...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 8/31/2022

    Georgia|Aug 31, 2022

    Dear Readers: Jo has retired from her column, at least for the time being. Please welcome Georgia, our newest satire etiquette advice giver! Georgia, I have a question, How do I convince my cousin, who is dead set on a home birth, NOT to do an at-home circumcision on her son? Her husband is training to be a veterinarian and currently crops ears and docks tails, so she thinks he should be able to perform a circumcision just fine. This makes me very nervous for the baby! Signed, What to Do?!? Dear What, WHAT!!!???!!! Ears and tails are NOT the...