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Just as March brought in sunnier and warmer days, Liberty Place brought color and culture to the Borden’s Historic Building in Whitehall. The art display features sixteen photos and twenty six paintings, as well as two collaborative paintings, all created by Liberty Place residents. David Parker, Liberty Place’s music therapist and program director, secured a grant via the Montana Arts Council, bringing a professional artist and a photographer to the two Liberty Place centers, helping res...
Last Friday when the Jefferson County mask mandate was made public, the Ledger was asked by several entities to get the news out in as many outlets as possible. In addition to adding the article as “Breaking News” on our website, I shared the article to many of our local Facebook classified sites dealing with Whitehall and surrounding areas. And, unfortunately, that is when all heck broke loose. Not only was the article shared dozens of times, but dozens of comments were made. Many were simply expressing opinion of the mandate, either for or ag...
Thursday, February 11th wasn't just one of the most frigid days of the year, but it was also one of the busiest for the Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department. The day started with a serious vehicle accident on I-90 which blocked traffic for several hours and spurred a multi-community search and rescue mission for a lost Labrador involved in the accident. At 8:25 a.m. on Thursday the Whitehall VFD was dispatched to mile marker 237 Eastbound, as a semi had jack-knifed due to weather conditions....
When you're looking for fast food, there are only so many locations in Whitehall. The A&W/KFC, which has been open for decades and owned by Michelle & Curtiss Lafountaine for the past twenty-four years, is a bit of rarity when it comes to a population such as Whitehall's. Most franchise locations are in bigger cities, but Whitehall has held its own – even throughout the current crisis of COVID-19. For nearly a year, the Whitehall location's dining room and lobby have been closed due to the pande...
We are in a day and age where general knowledge is relayed daily via social media, and sometimes no where else. We receive important information via text message instead of phone calls, emails instead of in-person communications. Sometimes we hear the news from our neighbors, or our children, and it may be circumstantial at best. For the most part, this is all fine and dandy. It’s become the norm. But when it comes to major items of importance, we need to take into consideration what the item of information is and how the distribution of t...
The Whitehall Lady Trojans may have lost their battle against Boulder last weekend, but they are looking ahead towards their matchups against Townsend and Three Forks this week. “It was a well-fought inner county game - so there’s a little bit of rivalry there,” Coach Mecklin Davis said. “There was great atmosphere, the girls gave good effort and worked hard.” Davis said there were several shots the team could have made to make it a win, but they will just hit the gym harder and practice those shots for this weekend. The Lady Trojans,...
The Whitehall Town Council unanimously approved a request from the Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC) to use $20,000 in TIF funds to further the Whitehall Master Plan project at their February meeting on Monday, February 8, 2021. JLDC, along with the Headwaters RC&D and the Town of Whitehall, applied to the Montana Department of Commerce – Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund (BSTF) in late 2020. The application, if approved, would hire a qualified consultant to design and create a comprehensive Master Plan which targets r...
Jefferson County's new Vista volunteer, David Butler, probably thought Montana winters were docile when he arrived three weeks ago; then the snow hit this weekend. For the Florida native, the past three weeks have been a time of adjustment – not just to the weather, but to his new responsibilities to the county. Since 1965 AmeriCorps has been offering the Vista Volunteer program to communities looking to fight poverty and overcome local hardships. Through capacity building activities such as f...
I have lived in small towns most of my life – with my longest tenancy of over 20 years being in Whitehall. As I’ve said, I was a military brat who moved A LOT and we were always lucky to find small towns to live in, suburbs or subdivisions, that were just outside the “bigger” cities where my dad was stationed. I remember growing up knowing a few neighbors here and there, but we were never somewhere long enough to know the whole neighborhood, let alone the whole town. That is, until we moved to Whitehall, which is one of the things I love mo...
The ladies and gents of "Sincerely Paul Feeding His Sheep" did it once again this past Saturday, providing dozens of Whitehall residents with pantry fillers from their supply room. This giveaway featured homemade spaghetti sauce, packed with love from the Sincerely Paul group, who worked countless hourse putting together the bags and goods. "Sincerely Paul" is a non-profit food pantry which operates in Whitehall, and around the world, via volunteers who realize the need for food essentials for...
Cottage Floral, a staple in Whitehall for many years before owner Deb Dulaney decided to close up shop for a bit. However, she's back in the flower game and better than ever, celebrating her one year anniversary of reopening - and during a pandemic at that. "I opened the week before Valentine's Day last year, just around the corner, but decided in July to move here," Dulaney said of her current location at 113 West Legion Avenue. The new location is bright and cheerful - and filled with gnomes,...
With the Super Bowl this Sunday, the K-Bar cordially invites you to make a bet (or two, or three) on their SportsBet Montana machine. Located in the K-Bar's middle entrance to the bar area, the machine is ready to make your bets on college and professional games - really any sport there is a way to place a bet on! Owner Ken Brown said that the machine was installed in mid-2020 and has garnered a good amount of interest. Montana was the first state in 2019 to legalize sports betting; winnings of...
The Lady Trojans put up two big nights of action this past weekend with home games against Jefferson High (Boulder) on Friday night and Anaconda on Saturday night. Final score on Friday against Boulder was 71-58; Saturday night 64-54, handing Anaconda their first loss of the season. Both nights were powered by Brynna Wolfe (#24) and Jada Clarkson (#3). "When Jada and Brynna are equally agressive in the game there is no stopping them," Coach Mecklin Davis told the Ledger. "Both games showed...
As soon as you walk into Wagner's Playhouse daycare you can tell it is a happy place. The kids are all smiling, playing games, and the older kids are fixing up a nutritious snack. Even when little Lizzie, one of the younger children who is experiencing her first two days at the daycare, starts crying another little girl is right there consoling her and diverting her attention to something fun. Tears are short lived; however, the fun at Wagner's Playhouse isn't. Opened August 24, 2020 in the...
We all joke about what we need or want in life. Gosh, I’d love to win a million dollars! Dang, I wish I could see The Beatles play live just one time! Man, I wish I had paid attention more in school when I was young! Me? I NEED more time in a day. I WANT more time in a day. That’s all. If anyone can figure out how to do that for me, I’ll pay you a VERY pretty penny. Since taking over the newspaper January 1st, I have also been working my previous fulltime job. Before the paper I worked as a Project Manager for a very busy HVAC manuf...
Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit can weigh anywhere between 1200 and 1800 pounds; Kaleb Barrett weighs about 170. Yet he looks them in the eye with the utmost confidence, ready to spar at any given minute. Barrett, a 2002 graduate of Whitehall High School, is a warrior, an all-around impressive individual who has called Whitehall his hometown for as long as he can remember, and this past weekend he put his best foot forward and took the bulls at the Montana PRC head on – as a professional b...
With this being my “official” second paper, I’ve got to admit – not much has changed from when I worked here over a decade ago with Greg Corr. Greg and I shared the majority of the work, both of us writing and designing ads as needed, so that part isn’t different from my previous stint. However, what’s hit me the hardest this week is something I never thought of, something I wasn’t prepared for, and something I doubt I ever will be prepared for. And frankly, something I will never be able to keep a poker face on. Receiving and reading, then edi...
With the Whitehall Ledger under new ownership, you'll be seeing a lot of changes, big and small, over the course of the next few weeks. From the owner to the office, the front page of the paper to the services offered, the Ledger is getting a bit of a facelift. The first, most obvious change you have probably already noticed - the top banner of the Ledger has changed. "I liked the look and feel of the purple and gold Ledger header, but I wanted to move the header towards something less logo...
Whitehall's Chamber of Commerce met January 7th, via Zoom, for the first meeting of 2021. While the meeting was held virtually, due to COVID-19 concerns, the Chamber's meeting was filled with plans to hold socially responsible and distanced events in 2021 under the ever-changing guidelines. The 2021 Whitehall Easter Egg Hunt is currently slated for March 27th, with a possible move to the baseball fields in order to socially distance better and stagger events by age group. The Chamber also...
As many may have noticed, as small town changes are always noticed, P.U.L.S.E. and the Jefferson Valley EMS are now housed in what used to be the Whitehall Drug Store. This prominent location on Legion Street was made possible with assistance provided by the Jefferson Valley Rural Ambulance District. Ambulance workers will now have a place to train, wait for calls, get education and more. This is one of the many ways that the funds brought in through the JVRAD’s fees help assist the community. So what does JVRAD do and what don’t they do? The...
As time passes, we are all realizing we are not living in the same world we were this time last year. With COVID-19's uncertainties it is important to look at our own health, options, and where our care comes from. In March 2020, before COVID-19 hit, the Jefferson Valley Rural Ambulance District (JVRAD) requested an article be written to provide clear and unbiased information to the town of Whitehall and its surrounding communities. When COVID-19 hit, this article was put on hold because of the... Full story
Kurtis Koenig- elementary report up from last meeting , him and slater attend mosda workshop in missoula, montana school district of attorneys, what builds the policy that all the schools use, Got to discuss investigative techniques, discussion about social media, pertaining to staff and students, Ways to keep district safe Lots of talking lots of listening Currently just about finished with mass assessments Data has been interesting Get results in soon Updated way they present student data Veterans day assembl;y _well done It's not just about...