Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by elizabeth pullman

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  • Updated Guidance for American Rescue Plan Act: Prepare for Tonight's Meeting & Commentary

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 2, 2021

    The American Rescue Plan Act meeting is scheduled for tonight at 6 p.m. at the Borden’s Conference Room. This meeting will provide information on the ARPA Act and allow for public comment on how Jefferson County should spend almost $2.4 million in the county. Jefferson County Commissioners received the “U.S. Treasury Interim Final Rule & Guidance for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds” on May 24, 2021, which provides guidance on how to use the ARPA funds, which, before this document, was a bit vague. The document, at 26 pages, is a lot o...

  • HONK! for Promoting/Graduating Classes Thursday!

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 2, 2021

    Give them a HONK in honor of their accomplishments this Thursday afternoon when you drive by Legion Park! The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce is proud to put on the first annual 8th Grade Promotion/12th Grade Graduation BBQ this Thursday, June 3rd at Legion Park from 5-7p.m. All promoting 8th graders, graduated seniors, and their families are invited to attend. The Chamber is hoping all members of both classes, as well as their parents, will come out and celebrate their student’s accomplishments, have some great food, share a few laughs, and k...

  • Congratulations Class of 2021! Over $100K in Scholarships Awarded

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall LEdger|May 26, 2021

    The Whitehall High School Class of 2021 graduated with all the pomp and circumstance they deserved on Sunday, May 23, 2021. In front of a full auditorium audience the 40 seniors made their way to their diplomas, beginning the next chapter of their lives. Both Valedictorian Kathryn Whitehurst and Salutatorian Macee Patritti gave speeches, addressing their fond memories of their peers and their hopes for their successful future. "Class of 2021, you have experienced a senior year unlike any other....

  • American Rescue Plan Act Meeting June 2nd: What You Need to Know

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    At the second meeting of the ARPA Act on Thursday, May 20th in Boulder, County Commissioners Leonard Wortman and Cory Kirsch, as well as Jefferson Local Development Corporation members Tom Harrington, Eric Seidensticker, and Alison Richardson, detailed the proposed use of ARPA funds allocated to the county. Jefferson County will receive $2,370,188 over a two year time frame. The County is requesting input from the public on how these funds should be distributed/used. Public comment is currently...

  • Transparency in All Aspects of Life

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    I rarely get upset about politics to the point that I am vocal about them. I usually just don’t see the point because my little voice has most likely already been echoed by many others on the same topic. But last Thursday at the ARPA meeting in Boulder I became upset with what I am simply calling a lack of transparency. And the more that I think about it, there is a lack of transparency in nearly every aspect of our every day lives. We should make ourselves aware of that and how we can change for the better. When the Chamber of Commerce was inf...

  • Name to a Face: Kerry Sacry: Math Teach Extraordinaire

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    Editor's Note: This year the Whitehall School District is losing several well-known and loved staff. For the next few weeks the Name to a Face column will be dedicated to those who will no longer be gracing the hallways of WHS/WMS/WES next semester. We wish them all the best in their retirement! He's taught every form of math available in the Whitehall School system, as well as coached nearly every sport, and now, in 2021, Kerry Sacry is ready for his next adventure: retirement. Sacry spent...

  • She's Helped So Many....Can You Help Her?

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    Sometimes the people who make the greatest impact on our lives don't live in the same community as us. We may not see them day in and day out, but their presence in our lives is felt every minute of our days. Such is the case of Laura Thomas-Hadley and Tayla Andrews. As many of you know, Andrews is our local postal worker - most of us see her on a daily basis and know her friendly smile. Thomas-Hadley has helped change Andrews life in many dramatic ways throughout the years and Andrews is...

  • BTBJ Brings in $39k for Grants, JVCF & Chamber

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 19, 2021

    The 17th Annual Black Tie, Blue Jeans Fundraiser brought an impressively dressed crowd to the Copper K Barn on Saturday night. According to the Whitehall Chamber, a total of about $39,000 gross was raised at the event. The live auction was the highest grossing since 2014, with a handmade American flag mailbox, created by Cody Doyle of Cope & Hody Autoworks, going for $2200. As in previous years, Black Tie & Blue Jeans will grant money to several local non-profits and the remaining proceeds will...

  • WHS to Graduate 40 Seniors Sunday, May 23rd; Chamber to Hold Graduation/Promotion BBQ June 3rd

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 19, 2021

    Forty Whitehall High School Trojans will receive their diplomas on Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 2 p.m. The Commencement Exercises will be held on the Whitehall High School football field, with the Varsity Gym reserved in case of inclement weather. A change in pace from last year’s COVID-19 non-graduation; this year’s ceremonies will not require limited attendance, as the venue is outdoors. Attendees are asked to sit on the bleachers, or stand along the fence line. The school is also asking those who feel the need to mask to please do so in acc...

  • Wait....These Kids are Graduating High School??

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 19, 2021

    I’ve lived in Whitehall for 22 years now - which means I have seen nearly all of the graduating class of 2021 grow up in one way or another. And man, does that make me feel old. In 2008 when I worked for the Whitehall Ledger, I interviewed the kindergarteners about Santa and Christmas. Those kindergarteners are now the graduating class of 2021. Here were some of my favorites from those interviews: Mason Alexander: Q: What’s so special about Rudolph? A: I don’t know...oh, its special cuz his nose is red! Jamus DuBois: Q: What do you want for Chr...

  • Star Theatre Reopening This Weekend!

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 12, 2021

    When businesses and workplaces began lock down in March 2020, no one expected the shut down to last very long; then it kept going and going. No one expected business to be so severely impacted by COVID-19; then businesses all around the country began to close permanently. Whitehall has been lucky to have the residents rally around local businesses and keep most alive during the pandemic. However, with entertainment no longer a priority and the theatre an enclosed space, our Star Theatre has...

  • Dr. Meyer Begins New Adventure in Medicine

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 12, 2021

    Dr. Kathy Meyer has owned and operated Whitehall Chiropractic for the last 26 years, providing our little community with the best in chiropractic care. Now an exciting new adventure has placed itself in front of Dr. Meyer and she is excited to embrace it and bring her patients along with her on this medical journey. "I'm not shutting down - I'm moving forward," Dr. Meyer said with a smile. "This is a great opportunity not only for me, but for my patients." May 28th will be Dr. Meyer's last day a...

  • New Town Councilors Seated

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 12, 2021

    At the May meeting of the Whitehall Town Council new town councilors Bill Lanes and Linda Jung were approved and seated. Lanes, who was mistakenly serving for the wrong ward, now serves in Ward 1 (replacing Logan Reiff) and Jung will serve Ward 2. Jason Crawford, engineer from Triple Tree Engineering, gave a report on the town’s upcoming water treatment facility, breaking the news to the Council that the Town Hall will not be a suitable match for the facility, as it is not large enough to house the entire system. The backup location since t...

  • Beats & Eats Brings the Music, Food & Vendors for Kickoff Event!

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 12, 2021

    JAMMING OUT: Whitehall native Sean Wisner (right) performed several original songs with accompaniment from John Willard (middle) and Demetrius Fassas (left) on standup bass. The next Beats & Eats will be at the Main Street Green (weather permitting) on June 26. FLOORING THE CROWD: Gabriel Popalis absolutely amazed the crowd with his rendition of Fly Me To The Moon. Here he is accompanied by Jessica Jane Hegg on a Bruno Mars tune....

  • Whitehall Ledger to Start Fundraising for Signs

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 5, 2021

    After much response from the Ledger editorial on the traffic and rates of speed which many vehicles are traveling on Legion Avenue, as well as Whitehall Street, The Ledger is looking to make a difference and is asking for the community's assistance. The Ledger would like to begin a fundraiser for four (4) radar speed signs. Radar speed signs, also known as driver feedback signs or radar speed displays, are traffic calming devices designed to slow speeders down by alerting them of their speed....

  • We Are HER Seeking Donations to 'GIVE BIG'

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 5, 2021

    Give Big Gallatin Valley, the largest giving day in the State of Montana, is a 24-hour celebration of giving that supports more than 200 nonprofits throughout the area. In just six years, donors have raised nearly $6 million for important local non-profit causes. Last year alone, 5,782 donors raised more than $1.8 million for 195 organizations during the event. We Are HER (Healed, Empowered, Restored) has been featured in several articles in the Ledger, detailing their support of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors through the...

  • Beautiful Weather for Mossy Rock Bike Trials in Pipestone

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 5, 2021

    Over 40 competitors of all ages and experience levels converged upon Jim & Carrin Alley's property in Pipestone to display their balance skills. This is the fourth year the trials have been held in Pipestone, a little known secret to most of Whitehall's residents. Whitehall's lone Whitehall participant, Keith Fortin, also assisted in scoring the balance course contestants....

  • Talent Showcase Fundraiser Saturday

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 5, 2021

    A Talent Showcase Fundraiser for Kelly Jo Elser and Lily Jensen's trip to ARTS Orlando 2021 will be held at the Madison County Fairgrounds Round Bar in Twin Bridges on May 8th. All proceeds will go towards travel expenses for the girls' trip to he Arts Talent showcase in Orlando, Florida from June 30th to July 4th. Both girls have music in their blood and are working towards futures as professional singers. "Music first really came to me through my mom. Before the three of us Jensens were born...

  • Mossy Rock Trials This Weekend

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 28, 2021

    An exciting off-road motorcycle event is happening this weekend at Pipestone! The Mossy Rock Trials will begin at 10am with classes including novice, amateur, intermediate, advanced, expert & vintage, and pro. The trials, which are not speed or time related, but balanced driven, are unique, said course director Dan Larson. Competitors are given points for each time their foot touches the ground - in that a perfect score would be 0 for the run, and a fail would be a score of 5+. The all natural...

  • Editorial: Heading Back to "Normal"...

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 28, 2021

    It’s really exciting to see so many events coming up in the next few weeks. Dare I say it? Could we be headed back to “normal”? Honestly, I don’t think things will ever return to what they were pre-March 2020. But in many ways, I don’t think they should. We’ve become much more aware of one another, of illness, of feelings, or how our actions affect those around us, how our political viewpoints may differ from our neighbors. Normal, before, seemed (to me) to mean looking out for #1, for yourself. Now that we’ve experienced a pandemic, and...

  • Beats & Eats Kicking Off May 8th

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 21, 2021

    After a year of silence due to COVID-19, Beats & Eats is ready to rock your socks off with live music, vendors, local food and more, beginning May 8th. Other dates include June 26, Frontier Days, and dates to be announced in August and September. The music series was created in 2019 by local band Homemade Jam in order to bring music to the area - both professional and amateur. Musicians from around the state are invited to attend; an open mic element is also provided to those who want to participate, with a house band available to back them on...

  • Monday Sickness Creates Havoc

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 21, 2021

    As a new business owner with no employees in office, I had always wondered what would happen should I fall sick on a Monday or Tuesday when the paper needed to get out to the printers. And this week I, unfortunately, found out. Monday morning my son and I woke up with terrible stomach pains and nausea. I called him in sick to school, where I found out there was a significant stomach bug going around. We also had had some suspect chicken the night before, but that hadn’t affected my husband. Stomach bug, food poisoning - whatever it was, it w...

  • 5000 Miles, 5000 Mustangs Starts Route Planning

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 14, 2021

    Hannah Catalino and Lisanne Fear are currently making their way across the United States, plotting their course for this Fall's upcoming "5000 Miles, 5000 Mustangs" on the American Discovery Trail. The two left on Tuesday, April 13 in order to determine whether they were to take the northern or southern route of the Trail and prep their horses for what lies ahead. With their pack of dogs (Kayuh, Zaphyra, and Keiko) they began their 7000-mile road trip to determine the safest 5000 miles of...

  • Budget Resolution A Start on Money Misappropriation at Town

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 14, 2021

    It has been a rough Spring for the Town of Whitehall, with much scrutiny by the townspeople in regard to the misappropriation of earmarked funds being discovered earlier this year after. However, a budget resolution brought to the public and the Town Council for approval on April 12th should start to alleviate the money confusion. “The money was never “gone”,” Allissa Christensen, Town Clerk & Treasurer, stressed. “It was just put into the wrong accounts and used for the wrong items.” The Town has made it very clear that no one stole the money...

  • Editorial: Assumptions Are No Good For Anyone

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 14, 2021

    My editorial this week is in response to the letter below, commenting on my previous editorial from two weeks ago “Holy Cow, Slow Down!” As the author of the letter to the Editor did not sign their note, I can only address it here, in public. We all know what they say about assuming, and there are many assumptions in her letter. I also made my own assumptions in my previous editorial. She assumed I was talking about ALL semi drivers; I assumed readers would understand I was talking about vehicles speeding who need to slow down. If her hus...

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