Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by elizabeth pullman

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  • Whitehall Community Theatre Kicking Off Season with Auditions May 3 at the Star

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 27, 2022

    Gold Junction Presents (GJP) is moving forward with Whitehall Community Theatre, with auditions for An Experiment and The Literati Awards scheduled for 6 PM on Tuesday, May 3 at the Star Theatre. Both of these one-act plays can be viewed on YouTube for character ideas. Please come to auditions with either a brief piece prepared (for those of you who have acted before!) or email for a prepared audition segment from each of the one-acts. If you cannot make the May 3 audition but would still like to participate, plea...

  • Cafe 1889 Opens Its Doors with Family-Style Home Cooking

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 20, 2022

    "If I say I want something, the next thing I know, Ron has either put it in my cart or, in this case, found a restaurant for me!" Laurie Stolba said with a laugh on Friday, April 15, the opening day of Cafe 1889 in Whitehall. Stolba says she has always wanted to have her own place, her own cafe, and her husband encouraged it strongly. "I love her cooking. She's great at it. This is a good fit," Ron said. Cafe 1889, located at 14 E. Legion, was previously Frankie's Tex Mex, but the location...

  • Council Talks Fiber Internet and Rumors at April Meeting

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 13, 2022

    The April meeting of the Whitehall Town Council, held Monday, April 12 in the Council Chambers, was a quiet one, with few action items on the docket. A presentation by Lee and Jason Good of TSS regarding fiber internet brought questions, concerns, and interest from the Council. At the March meeting, AirGrids from the Dillon area had presented to the Council, stating they were working in conjunction with TSS and MTWeb. At this month’s meeting, Good corrected that statement, noting that he was not working with AirGrids and that his company had i...

  • Community Theatre Meeting Thursday at 6PM

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 13, 2022

    Whitehall non-profit Gold Junction Presents (GJP), which works to bring arts and cultural events to the community, is creating a Whitehall community theatre group. The community theatre group will be geared towards middle school students to adults of all ages, with or without a theatre background. Don’t miss the first meeting for those interested Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 6 PM at the Star Theatre. All are welcome to come to hear the proposed plays, give ideas, volunteer, and more! For more info, contact GJP at goldjunctio...

  • My Next Passion Project Begins...

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 13, 2022

    As one door closes, another opens. Isn’t that the old saying? In my life, this seems to ring true. As many readers may know, I have a passion for singing. I’ve been singing in our local band, Homemade Jam, for several years; then transitioned to a different band when COVID-19 did its damage to Homemade Jam. I’ve sung all over the area and loved every minute of it. In February my singing came to a screeching halt. At band practice, while singing, I heard a loud pop in my ear and immediately knew something was wrong. A week later, singing at a fr...

  • Raffle Tickets for Bowman Benefit Available

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 6, 2022

    A benefit raffle drawing will be held on June 1, 2022, to assist Mindy Bowman in her fight against breast cancer. Bowman, a Whitehall resident, recently underwent cancer surgeries and is working hard to beat the disease. This is exactly why her friends and family began the "Fight Like a Butte Girl" benefit raffle in her honor. Raffle tickets are $25 each or five tickets for $100. Tickets are available at 406 Roots (2.5 S. Lincoln Street), the Mint Bar (1 E. Legion), the Two Bit (123 W. Legion),...

  • Easter Egg Hunt & Scavenger Hunt This Saturday at Main Street Green

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 6, 2022

    Bring the little ones, bring the big ones, and bring the "kids" of all ages out to the Easter Eggs-travaganza Easter Egg Hunt and Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, April 9th. The Easter Egg Hunt begins at 1 PM for those 10 years of age and under at the Main Street Green Park next to the Star Theatre. Little ones will have the opportunity to find lots of prize-filled Easter Eggs, meet the Whitehall Easter Bunny, and even take their pictures with him! The hunt starts promptly at 1 PM, so be ready and...

  • Gold Junction Presents Starting Whitehall Community Theatre Group

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 30, 2022

    Whitehall non-profit Gold Junction Presents (GJP), which works to bring arts and cultural events to the community, is creating a Whitehall community theatre group. GJP founding member Elizabeth Pullman is excited about this opportunity and hopes to have auditions for the first one-act play offering in late April or early May. “Some may say live theatre is a dying art, but I disagree. Right now, especially after dealing with the last two years of the pandemic, we need interaction,” Pullman said. “We need to see live performances, whether it be...

  • Can You Help with the Hunt?

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 30, 2022

    Many hands make light work! Can you help the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce with the annual Easter Egg Hunt? The Chamber is excited for the annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 9th at 1 PM at the Main Street Green. However, the Chamber is still looking for candy donations, small prize donations, help to stuff and hide the eggs, organizing and awarding prizes, as well as assisting with the older ages Scavenger Hunt. The Chamber is also looking for a grand prize sponsor for the Scavenger Hunt! If you are interested, please contact the Chamber at (406)...

  • What Do You Want to Ask Your Commissioner Candidates?

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 30, 2022

    The Whitehall Ledger will be interviewing candidates for the Jefferson County Commissioner seat in the upcoming weeks. Candidates vying for the seat are Dan Hagerty, Jim Buterbaugh, Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh, and Jon Stone Goff. While the Ledger has plenty of questions planned for the candidates, the most important question might come from you. What questions do you have for them? What would you like to see for our county? Your questions will also help develop the questions for the Candidates Forum being held May 26 at 6 PM i the Borden’s C...

  • Candidate Forum To Be Held May 26th

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 23, 2022

    A candidate forum for the contested position of Jefferson County Commissioner will be held Thursday, May 26, at 6 PM at the Borden’s Conference Room. The forum is being put on by the Lower Jefferson River Watershed Council with assistance from The Whitehall Ledger. Candidates for Jefferson County Commissioner include Dan Hagerty, Jim Buterbaugh, Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh, and John Stone Goff. Current Commissioners will be on hand as well to detail why other items are on the ballot. Please plan to attend, as this position affects county-wide, w...

  • TEFAP Qualifying Many More Montanans Under New Guidelines

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 23, 2022

    The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal food distribution program that supports food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, and other emergency feeding organizations serving low-income Americans. Federal assistance takes the form of federally purchased commodities-including fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains-and funding for administrative costs. Food aid and funds are distributed to states using a statutory formula that takes into account poverty and unemployment rates....

  • Easter Egg Hunt Planning Underway!

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 23, 2022

    The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce is diligently working to once again present Whitehall's Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The 2022 event will be held Saturday, April 9 at 1 PM on the Main Street Green (next to the Star Theatre). Bring the little ones, bring the big ones, bring the "kids" of all ages! Like in 2021, an easter egg hunt will be coordinated on the Main Street Green for ages 10 and under. BYOB (bring your own basket!) and please limit 12 eggs per child. The hunt will kick off at 1 PM, while...

  • Council Meeting Gets Heated with Fire Chief

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 16, 2022

    Tensions were high from the beginning of Fire Chief Joe Granvold’s report to the denial of his request for CIP funds at Monday’s March Whitehall Town Council Meeting. Granvold had requested about $5700 in CIP funds for new turn-outs for the volunteer fire department. When Council chair Roy McBride called in to question his over expenditures of budget, voices rose, with McBride noting that if the Town has to work within their budget, so does the Fire Department. McBride also requested a breakdown of how many of the fires services were rural fir...

  • Once-in-a-Lifetime Rock, Gem & Mineral Show at Community Center

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 16, 2022

    When Pamela Polachi talks about something she is passionate about her eyes twinkle and there is no end to her enthusiasm. Her recently acquired gem, rock, fossil, and mineral collection is her biggest passion to date, and her enthusiasm can not be denied. The show, with the collection of Polachi (owner of Settings by All Things Montana, is sponsored by the Western Legacy Center and began Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at the Whitehall Community Center. The show runs from 10 AM to 4 PM, Monday - Saturd...

  • Local Face Joins Team at Pulse Hair & Nail Salon

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 16, 2022

    March 17th isn't just St. Patrick's Day this year, but also the beginning of a long-awaited career for Deidre DuBois. Just one month after graduating from the Butte Academy of Beauty Culture, she will begin at Pulse Hair & Nail Salon in Whitehall. "This is what I've wanted to do since high school," DuBois said with a smile. "This is what I'm supposed to be doing. It just took me twenty years to get here." Born and raised in Whitehall, DuBois is excited to bring her services to the locals of...

  • Gianforte Tours Whitehall High School CTE Programs

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger and Office of Governor Gianforte|Mar 9, 2022

    Meeting with students at Whitehall High School on Friday, March 4, 2022, Governor Greg Gianforte promoted the importance of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in empowering students with in-demand skills and providing a highly-skilled, highly-qualified workforce for Montana. "Everybody wins when Montana schools, like Whitehall High School, offer personalized work-based learning paths for students to prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow," Gov. Gianforte said. "We will continue to p...

  • Why Was a Letter Published Unsigned?

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 9, 2022

    I have received several phone calls concerning last week’s Letter to the Editor regarding the Western Legacy Center. The policy to the left has been in the newspaper since I began. “Names will be withheld by request only if deemed a matter of personal/business safety.” This policy is why the letter was left anonymous, as I am sure others will be in the future. This is not only my policy but the policy of most journalistic entities. Regarding the Western Legacy Center, there are many reasons not to sign. Perhaps a business owner wants to speak...

  • Emergency Notification System for Whitehall & Jefferson County

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 2, 2022

    With the state of the world in flux right now as the situation with Russia and Ukraine is only just beginning, it’s good to know the ins and outs of our hometown’s emergency plans. Upon asking the Town of Whitehall office for the emergency plans, the Ledger was directed to Jefferson County Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Doug Dodge. “Emergency notifications have several components. The first of which would be our telephone reverse notification system, either through landlines or through cell phones,” explained Dodge in an email....

  • Whitehall Landmark Borden's Hotel Up For Sale

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 2, 2022

    The focal point of Whitehall’s Legion Avenue, historic Borden’s Hotel, is currently listed for sale. There have been many rumors that the building was on the market, however, the official listing was made only about a week ago with McLeod Realtors and Gina Ossello. Currently the home of the Pepper Tree Deli, Bloom Wellness, Jefferson Local Development Corporation, Numb3rs Bookkeeping and Tax, Jefferson County Sheriff’s office, MSU Extension Office, and town attorney Ed Guza, the Borden’s building has been a staple of Whitehall history since i...

  • Town Council Meeting Covers Vacating Pyfer Street, Art on Town Hall Walls, and More

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 23, 2022

    During the February meeting of the Whitehall Town Council a plethora of discussion was had, from vacating Pyfer Street, the Mayor announcing her run for County Commissioner, to the artwork on the Town Hall walls. During a public meeting prior to the Town Council meeting, vacation of Pyfer Street was discussed. Town Pump, which is slated to build a new building this Spring in the location, requested the vacation and easement. Cliff Edsall, owner of Cliff’s Automotive, was on hand during the public meeting and stated that while Town Pump has a...

  • Funding Now Available Through New Whitehall Sustainability Committee

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 23, 2022

    The Whitehall Sustainability Committee (WSC-GSM), a group created with and for Barrick Golden Sunlight, is now offering project funding applications via their website at The WSC-GSM was formed to help Golden Sunlight rank community projects in the Whitehall area by a local advisory group. The group is chaired by Elizabeth Pullman and vice-chaired by Hannah Nieskens, Whitehall Superintendent of schools, and has committee members which cover the five pillars of...

  • TROJANS AT DISTRICTS: Trojans VS Tigers, then Wolves

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 23, 2022

    Trojans played the Manhattan Tigers for their first round of District play on Thursday, February 17. They were defeated 52-39 and moved into the consolation bracket against Three Forks, played Saturday, February 19. The Trojan's season ended with a loss to the Wolves, 64-40....

  • Turning Fourty...Fortie...40!

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 16, 2022

    This Friday I turn the big 4-0. Yep, four decades of rotating around the sun. And still, at 40, I sometimes forget how to spell forty. I mean, seriously, why isn’t it fourty? But...whatever. I am more comfortable in my own skin than I ever was in my 20s and 30s...though my health could be better and I definitely weigh more than I did in either of those decades. I enjoyed this weekend’s SuperBowl half-time show much more than most people ten years older, or ten years younger, than me - and I’m ok with that. THAT was my jam back in the day and i...

  • Woman Charged with Vehicular Homicide After August Domestic Dispute Turns Deadly

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 9, 2022

    Trinity M. Klein was charged in December with vehicular homicide while under the influence, stemming from the death of Jakob Allen Washburn in mid-August. Klein is currently 19, Washburn was 24 at the time of his death. The crime reportedly occurred during a domestic dispute between the two. Klein has been described as Washburn’s girlfriend at the time. Court records show deputies and ambulance services responded on August 15 around 8 PM to reports of a motor vehicle crash on First Street in Whitehall. Upon arrival, deputies observed an i...

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