Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by Charlie Denison

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 4 of 4

  • Richards Hired as Boulder Elementary Superintendent

    CHARLIE DENISON, Boulder Monitor|May 31, 2023

    On Friday, May 19, Butte native Doug Richards was hired as the new superintendent/principal of Boulder Elementary, taking the place of Jeff Elliott, who announced his resignation in February. Richards, who previously worked as principal and a shop teacher at Whitehall High School, currently serves as principal for the Resources for Educating Alaska's Children at Home (REACH) Academy in the Alaska Gateway School District in Tok, Alaska, was one of nine applicants for the position. The Boulder...

  • Seidensticker Resigns as JLDC Director

    CHARLIE DENISON, Boulder Monitor|Jan 18, 2023

    Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC)Executive Director Eric Seidensticker announced during the Dec. 21 board meeting that he is stepping down. His resignation comes three months after a divisive board decision to purchase the Roberts building in Whitehall. Seidensticker told The Monitor he is going to stay involved in economic development, and do so from Helena. JLDC board Vice President Drew Dawson said he’s sorry to lose Seidensticker, a man he considers “very knowledgeable of economic development” who has had “lots of good ideas a...

  • Jefferson County Voter Turnout Lower Than Anticipated

    CHARLIE DENISON, Boulder Monitor|Nov 16, 2022

    Clerk and Recorder Ginger Kunz had a hard time believing her eyes when she saw voter turnout in Jefferson County was only 69%. “We were so busy,” she said. “I was thinking, ‘oh, my gosh, this is a great turnout. Then it’s all said and done and I was like, ‘69 percent?’ I swore we would have been closer to 80%, but I know that’s just tunnel vision since I’ve been hearing from 6,000 voters.” Out of 9,479 registered voters in the county, only 6,532 submitted ballots, including the 140 provisional ballots that were determined Nov. 14. It’s not a...

  • Relief, Gratitude, and Silver Linings: Candidates Speak

    CHARLIE DENISON, Boulder Monitor|Nov 16, 2022

    By the time the sun rose Nov. 9 the two contested Jefferson County races appeared to have clear winners, as Sheriff candidate Tom Grimsrud led Chad Cross 3,358 to 2,524 and county commission candidate Dan Hagerty led Mary Janacaro Hensleigh 3,950 to 1,770. The Board of Canvassers will certify the election. As the process is finalized, however, candidates have accepted the results. All four spoke with The Monitor and shared their thoughts on the election results and what their priorities are moving forward. Tom Grimsrud relieved, excited for...

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