Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by bill lanes

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  • CONNECTING POINT: The Character Test

    BILL LANES|May 1, 2024

    We all have good days and bad days, but our character is constantly tested through every experience. I would say the test is much more difficult in the latter. Life is good when you’re on “Cloud 9.” Jesus makes this point in his teachings about loving one’s enemy and the danger of being hypercritical of others. We must be cautious about lambasting others, sometimes the plank is in our own eye. There is a place for correct judgment while incorrect or harsh judgment is off the table. Within the context of the church Paul states that judgmen...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Eclipse Hype

    BILL LANES|Apr 24, 2024

    Some matters are important to address in a timely fashion from time to time. Next week, I will get back to the Look What the Doctor Ordered series. However, today, I want to draw your attention to the events from the past week. Where were you on April 8, 2024? I saw friends on social media across the country either sporting some new specialized glasses or others being crafty and making some homemade spectacles, all to look at the eclipse. I was flying to Tennessee with my wife to see the brand-new granddaughter during the eclipse. I thought we...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Judgement Gone Awry

    BILL LANES|Apr 17, 2024

    Certain verses of the Bible are well-known, yet many of those same verses are taken out of context and improperly applied. Doing so breaks several rules of Bible interpretation, notably understanding the original author’s intention and cultural context. Next, identify the text principle and consider if the application applies today. Many principles do, and others do not; as a pastor, I will beat this drum of “context” until my last breath because without proper context, the truth can be muddied. You’ve probably heard statements like, “Jesus...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Sacrificial Love

    BILL LANES|Apr 10, 2024

    Jesus Christ exemplified the greatest degree of love through his sacrificial death on the cross and subsequent resurrection of the dead, something many of us recently celebrated. We must refrain from letting the typical holiday celebration lose significance, particularly Good Friday and Easter. What Jesus did for any of us who call on His name to be saved through repentance and faith is for every day, not just the last day in April. In Luke Chapter 6, we find Jesus challenging any of His followers to love their enemy. If we are honest, doing...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Degrees of Love

    BILL LANES|Apr 3, 2024

    “Love” has always been an interesting word, and it is used within various contexts, so it’s vitally important to understand one’s intention. We can use “love” in flippant ways, such as “I love movie theater popcorn,” which has little bearing on relationships. Or we can use or misuse “love” in the context of relationships that leave emotional scars or bring emotional healing. Love that is genuine and not egocentric is healthy and vibrant, and most of us long for this type of love to be extended our way. To be frank, most of us love those who h...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Hunger Pangs

    BILL LANES|Mar 27, 2024

    Have you ever had to deal with true hunger pangs? Honestly, in my lifetime, the answer is a firm “no.” Of course, there have been moments, especially in my teen years, where I used a possible exaggerated expression like “Mom, I’m starving, and if I don’t get some food now, I will die!” Fast forward to today, I’ve tried something similar with my wife, lol! Every few nights of the week, I find myself bored, looking aimlessly into the fridge or the empty cookie jar. Within this audience, I estimate that very few of us deal with starvation or...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Paradoxical Truths

    BILL LANES|Mar 20, 2024

    Jesus had an uncanny ability to communicate truths for everyday life because He is known as the “author of life” (John 1:3). His perspective matters and there is wisdom in listening and applying His teachings daily. In last week’s column, pointed out in Luke 6 how Jesus offered a different approach to what it means to be “blessed,” one that we are not accustomed to. Typically, we associate “blessing” with the good stuff; those things in life which center around positive physical and emotional experiences. Jesus turns the message a complete 18...


    BILL LANES|Mar 13, 2024

    In recent months, I’ve gotten to know more about Luke, the physician who wrote about the life and ministry of Jesus. For most of my life, I’ve assumed that Luke was one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus, but I was wrong. Luke was a close friend to Paul and accompanied him on several trips as they spread the message of Jesus across the region. Many scholars believe Luke is the author of Acts, and as a physician, one can understand why the healing power of Jesus caught his interest. You may be familiar with Matthew’s writing, and the ...

  • Connecting Point: Don't Go Alone

    BILL LANES|Mar 6, 2024

    I’m going to go out on a limb and date myself regarding age since many in this audience share a similar experience. Many of us grew up watching The Lone Ranger and Tonto, the iconic 1950s western show about a presumed dead Texas Ranger who travels to the West to assist the helpless affected by lawlessness. Such a theme resonates and has been recreated in other movies and sitcoms. The only problem is that in real life, going after injustice alone is not practical or wise. We need others in our lives for accountability, correction, and e...


    BILL LANES|Feb 28, 2024

    Figures of speech abound all around us. I’m certain in the past week you’ve used some form of a figure of speech, I certainly have. I want to examine with you today a “sacred cow.” defines this as “an individual, organization, institution, etc., considered to be exempt from criticism or questioning.” Sometimes we hold dearly to our own “sacred cow” and expect others to fall into line. Well, Jesus in Luke chapter 6 addresses the topic. “One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and his disciples began to pick some heads...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Expired & Worn

    BILL LANES|Feb 21, 2024

    I recently found myself digging through the fridge to grab some milk, I was looking forward to enjoying a rare bowl of cereal. Disappointment set in as I took a whiff and squinted to read the expiration date on the milk container. Dina, my wife, pointed out a small amount of heavy cream in the fridge door so I watered that down to enjoy the rather rare bowl of cereal since the expiration date was safe. In Luke 5 we read of Jesus describing two parables: new and old patching of garments and new and old wineskins to make a point, all the...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Proper Prescription

    BILL LANES|Feb 14, 2024

    A large percentage of us are used to hospital trips, either regular doctor’s appointments or even periodic emergency room visits. As a pastor, I’m accustomed to visiting people in these circumstances, some for routine care and others in serious condition. Although this is a familiar practice, I wouldn’t dare say I’m comfortable, mostly recognizing that those I visit are experiencing pain and discomfort. To be candid, there are times when I don’t have what seems to be the “right” words, however, being present can be a source of comfort for t...

  • Connecting Point: Untouchable & Impossible

    BILL LANES|Feb 7, 2024

    I love reading about Jesus’ ministry in the Bible, we learn about His character and how well He interacted with everyday people. Jesus was compassionate and kind rather than disconnected and pious. The Jewish culture of that day was marked by arrogant priests who chose to distance themselves from most people, especially those who were ill and poor. Adopting the mindset of Jesus is of great value today for all of us. Luke gives us inside details into the ministry of Jesus and in Chapter 5 we read of two instances where Christ’s character shi...

  • Connecting Point: The Big Catch

    BILL LANES|Jan 31, 2024

    In my 40s I started to go back to fishing as a hobby, something I really enjoyed in my youth. There’s something about being at a mountain lake or stream that captures my attention, the tranquility of enjoying God’s creation and of course the many beautiful species of trout here in Montana are a great catch. Fishing was a mainstay for 1st Century Jews and continues to be one of the prominent occupations in coastal regions today. Luke gives us insight into Jesus’ ministry as He built a connection with a fisherman’s family. “One day as Jesus was...

  • Connecting Point: Authority & Power

    BILL LANES|Jan 24, 2024

    The two themes “Authority & Power” are seemingly ageless throughout history. We certainly are accustomed to governing bodies today overplaying or seeking to hold authority and power. George Orwell said, “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end.” In the 1st century, this was true as the Roman occupation of Israel put a bad taste in the mouths of the Jewish people. The God-fearing and God-honoring Jews became blinded by their animosity toward others. Those who were shown G...

  • Connecting Point: No Hometown Hero

    BILL LANES|Jan 17, 2024

    How many of us have welcomed a hometown hero back from a duty post or deployment? Maybe you’ve joined others honoring law enforcement or emergency services personnel for a special occasion. Since I’m the proud son of a Vietnam Veteran and know some of the sad history of our nation in which many men and women were rejected as they returned home back in the late 1960s and 1970s, I tend to have some compassion for anyone who serves the public. In my opinion, negative sentiments toward those who lay their lives on the line or give through vol...

  • Connecting Point: Temptation 101

    BILL LANES|Jan 10, 2024

    A Scottish church leader from the 1670s said, “Observe your hearts all times but especially under temptation. Temptation is a fire that brings up the scum of the vile heart: Do you carefully mark the first risings of corruption?” Some have incorrectly attributed this quote to William Shakespeare; however, the subject of temptation is always valid no matter what century an individual has lived in. I promote sticking to the basics, we can never go wrong when we hold that line in the wide range of life’s practices. There’s only one person I know...

  • Connecting Point: The Family Tree

    BILL LANES|Jan 3, 2024

    Ancestral genealogies are often searched today. Our youngest son has been looking into our family’s history recently. I just knew it, there is a “Thor” dating back to our Scandinavian side! In the age of the Internet, a person has multiple resources when it comes to a detailed family tree, all at a click and most likely at a cost. Luke, one of the disciples of Jesus, was meticulous as a personal physician. He also sought to investigate the claims and teachings of Jesus Christ thoroughly. In chapter 3 of his account, he includes a compr...

  • Connecting Point: Missing

    BILL LANES|Dec 20, 2023

    Allow me to paint an all too familiar scenario with you for a moment. Families are out in the holiday rush, it’s festive and the crowd is quite large and pressing. In all the excitement it appears that a child (a son) is missing, but the assumption is he’s ok and close by with another family member. Dad and Mom fan out and start backtracking as anxiety builds. To the parents’ surprise, their son is, in fact, missing, nowhere among friends or family. Panic strikes and the search goes on, extending into several days. What would that situa...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Gift You've Always Wanted

    BILL LANES|Dec 13, 2023

    Think of a time in life when you wanted a certain gift. Maybe you expected something specific in return or had to wait for a long period of time? What about a time when you never received what you wanted? Many of us have had these experiences. It’s my viewpoint that all the marketing of Christmas in our society has shaped an unbalanced mindset, targeting the constant need for self-gratification. Could we be a bit too self-centered today? Possibly. Now, I’m not a Scrooge and believe that gift-giving has its place, being generous is at the hea...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Christmas the Two Turtle Doves

    BILL LANES|Dec 6, 2023

    Have you heard the songs in the air? Radio, television, Internet, and stores are currently playing Christmas music, ‘tis the season. Soon carolers will be strolling, children will be performing at school concerts and choirs will be singing their hearts out. One tradition we held for numerous years as a family was some version of the “12 Days of Christmas,” little notes or small gifts leading up to December 25th. Our children loved the special gifts from grandma and grandpa or us making each day special. I’m certain you’re familiar with the...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Significance of the Shepherds

    BILL LANES|Nov 29, 2023

    Themes and professions are interwoven throughout the Bible, certainly “shepherd” is one of the prominent terms from Genesis to Revelation. Abraham, Moses, David, and a litany of others were shepherds simply since this was the common way of life or providing food. Shepherds are referenced as spiritual leaders in both the Old and New Testaments. More importantly, the imagery and language regarding Jesus as the “Great Shepherd” is fitting. Luke is the only New Testament writer who brings up the shepherds at the time of Christ’s birth. We must k...

  • Connecting Point: Kings and Kingdoms

    BILL LANES|Nov 22, 2023

    History has a seemingly countless record of rulers, dating back to ancient times to the present. We use terms for heads of state like presidents, prime ministers, kings, queens, sultans, chancellors, supreme leader, premier, Fuhrer, and more. Some leaders rule for long periods of time and others short, some in their earlier years and others in their latter years. Governing styles can include a republic, democracy, monarchy, communism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, and oligarchy to name several. Understanding the difference between actual...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Attention Seekers

    BILL LANES|Nov 15, 2023

    Do you ever sit back and just watch people? I often do but please understand this practice doesn’t make me creepy. Observing people is common for all of us in one way or another. Certainly, we refrain from being critical of those around us, none of us deserves such criticism. Some individuals wish to be the center of attention while others like to simply blend into the crowd and remain unnoticed. Those who garner everyone’s attention are loud and possibly obnoxious, they are the individuals I sit back and watch. As I’ve been reading about...

  • CONNETING POINT: Prophecy Tied to Praise

    BILL LANES|Nov 8, 2023

    How many parents remember the joys of pregnancy and birth? Currently one of the latest fads includes creative baby gender reveals; this may include blue or pink smoke, cake, and more, many of which go viral. Recently I looked online for some blunders associated with a gender reveal gone wrong, wow there are some doozies! American and Jewish customs are far different, especially dating back to first-century Jewish households when the New Testament was written. Traditionally Jewish couples do not have baby showers, purchase baby items, or talk...

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