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Some subjects are easy to address while others are very difficult. This is today’s case. Abuse of any nature whether physical, emotional or sexual is extremely traumatic and sinful. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience physical or sexual assault, and in the United States 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men are raped in their lifetime. Almost half of victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. These statistics are alarming; behind every number is a person with a sto...
Does a day go by without news that America is a racist country? Isn’t it one of the most divisive matters of modern America? Media outlets are complicit, and they fan the flames, while at the same time chiming in “Racism has to stop.” The Democrat Senators canceled South Carolina’s Tim Scott’s bill that addressed police reform. Most objective observers concluded that their reason for doing so was to prohibit Republicans and Donald Trump success before the election. To the large issue of racism, I would like to point out an actual solution...
Just last Sunday many of us celebrated Mother’s Day. It is one of those distinctions that contributes to our civilization. As a matter of fact, in America, Mother’s Day dates back about one hundred years and was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. Also, in the Western world, Mother’s Day contributed to holding society together dating back to the 12th century. You can include yours truly amongst those who believe it is essential for us to celebrate Mother’s Day. To all mothers: You are unique, because through you we all have life. Being...
Imagine yourself for a moment as an outdoor enthusiast, on the first leg of a five-day backpack journey. You are loaded with supplies, map and compass in hand. You have charted your course and plan to be at your destination by Day Two. At first, you thoroughly enjoy the fresh mountain air, animal life, and serenity. But, as the sunlight fades on Day Two, something is off, concern sets in, the landscape doesn’t match your research. You’re lost. After a sleepless night the joy of your experience turns quickly to dread, so you do your best and...
Are you tired of political bantering? It is incredibly complex. But, does it need to be? Every issue seems to be politicized, medicine, immigration, the environment, social justice, even sports. During the 2021 NCAA tournament, commentator Charles Barkley said, “I think most white and black people are great. I really believe that in my heart. But I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they are Republican or Democrat, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power. They divide and...
It’s quite common for people to say, “I’m a good person. I do good things for others. I volunteer a lot.” I’ve heard a version of the following a time or two, “I love God, go to church and say my prayers.” Another candid conversation for refreshment of great value for all American adults concerns the subject of salvation. While it might be somewhat true “good people” exist, we need to be careful about concluding that “being good” somehow equates to salvation. This is a heady subject, and it is part of my writing and preaching for the next coupl...
A danger we may not have taken seriously enough, a danger that has grown throughout the present generation and now may be in clearer view, is that objective truth has been canceled. The effects of Cancel Culture are raging all around us; we see this in the daily news. Are we seeing the process of a disaster? Perhaps we in the church have been too fearful to sound a constant alarm. I’m proposing a simple platform, striking up honest, personable, and intellectual discussions. Dialoging is something we should all strive towards. Faith and c...
Navigating life is a challenge, and it is an arduous challenge without friendship. For many of us, our days are filled with work, meetings, events, and just earning daily bread. But, have we lost something that our grandparents cherished? How often do you sit down and have a meaningful conversation with a family member or a close friend? Deliberate and candid conversations are extremely valuable. Have we lost some of the subtleties necessary to be good listeners? Is this the problem? Our society is undergoing a major shift, and shockingly this...
I often have conversations with people struggling with life’s complexities. Particularly this last year, people have brought loss of health to me. But over time, I think, lost relationships are the most baffling. Yet, in this, I’m often encouraged by the person’s resilience. A week, or sometimes much later, the person tells me that they’ve met with encouragement. We all need encouragement, and I’m always relieved and grateful to God that things have improved. Pastors, I think, are generally in a position to experience deep changes in people. O...
Being rejected by your average eighteen year-old should be a healthy thing say the psychiatrists. But, who of us loves rejection? My assessment, no one. Yet, many wrestle with the feelings associated with rejection whether accurately founded or under false assumption(s). We long to be loved by others and God, the human heart is fragile. One must carefully navigate the sway of emotions tied to thoughts or expressions especially in respect to God’s intentions. A quick leap can lead us to wrong conclusions. The God of the Bible aims at restoration...
Blame is something that gets tossed around. Truthfully, we don’t like to admit we are wrong. In opinion shaped by studying the Book of Lamentations, a very great lie clouding humanity’s judgment is the foolhardy notion that sin is no big deal. Why do we believe that we can ignore the standards that God has established? In part, we develop false security. But, does this account for all of it? Taking lessons from history is always worthwhile. For example, Jerusalem prior to its destruction in 587 B.C. was a highly fortified city. Under the rei...
If you’ve ever built a home or embarked on a major home remodel project, I bet you’ve crunched the financial numbers to see if you can make ends meet. Recently, the cost of goods and services, especially construction supplies, has spiked. One thing is for certain: No one generally sets out to start a project only to abandon it halfway through the process. Sometimes, this occurs either for economic reasons or personal reasons. An interesting example is the Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea. in 1987. Construction began as this mag...
“The pursuit of happiness,” Thomas Jefferson equated with “Life and Liberty,” when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. More than a century later, from 1930 until 1940, America and the world strained under the greatest decade of economic disaster in history. Then, WWII brought the plight of war across the globe. Since then, Americans have experienced wealth untold from that generation to this. But, does the accumulation of possessions or its allure set us up for a great fall? I believe so. It is true that the recent decade has witness...
“Great is your faithfulness…Lord,” is the most known verse in the book of Lamentations. Throughout church history hymns and choruses have been born out of it. I suspect you’ve sung along with one recently. The background, its context, is unbeknown to many. Great is your faithfulness was born out of much pain and anguish. Following the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 B.C., Jeremiah reveals the hardships among the people of Israel. However, he emphasizes an extremely valuable principle; it’s when you have nothing left that God can become your tru...
The great poet Dante, sometimes referred to as the “greatest poet and writer of the seventeenth century,” wrote, “There is no greater sorrow than to recall being happy when we grieve the deepest.” Uncertainties plague life, and he also said, “Sorrow you will know like kin.” In life, the pressure is overwhelming, just read a newspaper account of growing “suicide.” Borrowing the phrase from Forest Gump, “My momma says life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get,” my take is, I for one like chocolate but appreci...
The judgment of God, all would agree, is complex. So not making this a “can of worms,” let me be as direct as possible. God’s purpose being to create loving people who love Him back, let us humans leave His judgement large. But, let me put this into the perspective of a country that is unrepentant. Let’s again tackle the Book of Lamentations. When one admits his sinfulness, the process of reconciliation begins. I will not say here that humans can break God’s heart. I will say, God’s overall goal front and center is all about forgiveness...
The Blueprint series will continue next week, with Christmas approaching I wanted to share with you some important thoughts regarding why we celebrate Christmas. Have you noticed that there is some confusion about Christmas? Over time the significance of any holiday or special occasion can change. Sometimes specific events lose their luster or the original meaning is overshadowed by something completely different. In our culture currently what are some of the messages we see regarding Christmas? Marketing, sales, family celebrations, gift...