Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by bill lanes

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  • Connecting Point: Three Strands

    BILL LANES|May 18, 2022

    We all approach life at different speeds and angles, and our philosophy certainly varies. That being said it’s common knowledge that a person can accomplish more in partnership. Yes, relational conflict can impede action plans or goals. However, the fact remains; that there is great strength in numbers. King Solomon understood this principle well, that’s most likely how he accomplished many tasks during his years, teaming people together to achieve a specific goal. He rightly states, “Again I saw something meaningless under the sun: Two are b...

  • Connecting Point: Injustice for All

    BILL LANES|May 4, 2022

    Some matters are timeless, seen through the generations, and noticeable in every culture. Certainly, the clock ticks forward and we see continuous advances in technology but for the most part, humans are predictable throughout history. We tend to make poor judgment calls. For example, court cases can leave one’s head spinning, unjust outcomes. Due to some technicality, killers may walk freely or blatant criminal acts are overlooked. True victims can watch in dismay with a judicial system that is seriously broken. Sadly there are some cases w...

  • Connecting Point: World at War

    BILL LANES|Apr 27, 2022

    The drumbeat of war is sounding loud and clear. All the atrocities which are occurring in Ukraine are deeply troubling; certainly Russia, specifically Putin, is demonstrating to the world his self-interest. Ukrainians have fled in droves, while others are losing their lives standing up to the Russian military. Sadly, many people of various nations are suffering the consequences of this unjust act, including many in Russia and Europe. Present tensions are higher than most of us have seen in decades and the world is watching with much angst. Let...

  • Connecting Point: Matters of the Heart

    BILL LANES|Apr 20, 2022

    Words are powerful, and the tongue can be used for good or evil. The Bible provides a vast amount of guidance regarding speech; “tongue” is mentioned over one hundred times. There is wisdom in keeping a close reign on our conversations, King Solomon recognized this when he wrote, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…a time to be silent and a time to speak,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7b). God’s Word is our guide and is intentional; knowledge is to be coupled with wisdom. One can have all the “head” know...

  • Easter Every Day

    BILL LANES|Apr 13, 2022

    We are accustomed to holidays and the marketing madness. I’m certain you’ve seen the Easter baskets, Cadbury eggs, and plethora of other candies available? The other evening strolling through Target the smell of the sweets was quite overwhelming to my senses and I like those tasty morsels, but it was too much! By the way, I used restraint and didn’t purchase any junk food. Have holidays lost much of their meaning or at least their original intention? I’m afraid so and this concerns me as a follower of Jesus. Please understand I’m not an extrem...

  • Connecting Point: Broken But Mended

    BILL LANES|Apr 6, 2022

    When is the last time you noticed someone wearing torn and tattered work clothes? I see working individuals often sporting such attire; in fact, I’m the proud owner of some of those grease-stained clothes. My wife describes them as “shabby.” I’m certain you’ve also noticed that “ripped” jeans are also a fashion statement; it’s a fad that has come and gone at times. Thinking about this phenomenon, seldom do I hear my wife claim that our daughter’s clothes look “shabby.” Hmmm, what gives? Cultures are interesting, some practices shift dramaticall...

  • Dear Editor: Diving Deeper Into Town Council Decisions

    BILL LANES, Whitehall Town Councilman|Apr 6, 2022

    Dear Editor, I’m writing today first as a 20+ year resident and then as a recent town council member, these views are my own and do not represent the town council as a whole. We are very fortunate to live in a great community filled with quality people. Our city is experiencing some well-needed growth. Changes are never easy but we cannot escape reality. I for one welcome many changes because I wish for Whitehall to flourish. Over the years I’ve closely watched town government simply as a resident. Now that our children are grown and beg...

  • Connecting Point: Treasure Hunt

    BILL LANES|Mar 30, 2022

    Have you discovered that life and its various “seasons” are beyond our control? Sure we can get accustomed to those changes by making personal adjustments, in addition to the arduous act of persevering. We learn to take every day one day at a time. I for one continue to learn by enjoying the journey, taking all the events of life in stride positive or negative. There have been moments when I’ve not always been optimistic, even encountering a heavy burden or two. What’s our story? King Solomon was not much different than us. Yes, he lived i...

  • Connecting Point: To Touch or Not To Touch

    BILL LANES|Mar 23, 2022

    Are we entering the later stages of what many have termed the COVID-19 pandemic? Maybe? Make no mistake this matter has been incredibly divisive all across the globe. I’ve had close friends die due to complications of this disease, others who have rebounded slowly, and many others who have fared rather well. Let’s be honest, in reality, all our lives have been affected by this issue in one way or another. My intention in bringing to light this hot button issue is not to further divide people or to silence any questions on either side of the...

  • Connecting Point: No Stone Left Unturned

    BILL LANES|Mar 16, 2022

    Within the pages of the Bible, there are particular passages that leave us with questions. For the “brightest” and “best” scholars or the average Christian there is some common criteria used for proper Bible interpretation. Step one; understand the original author’s intent, context, and cultural background. Step two; understand the genre of Scripture; Narrative/Historical, Prophecy, Epistle, Wisdom, Poetry, and Apocalyptic. Step three; carefully determine the proper application. Many general principles taught by the original author can be br...

  • Connecting Point: Navigating Emotions

    BILL LANES|Mar 9, 2022

    At fifty-one years old, I still find glory, fun, and contentment in our vast and wild Montana. Specifically, on my boating experiences, I have enjoyed small raft, one-man skiff, canoe, and kayak. I’ve been dunked by them all. I’ve never had the experience of sailing, yet and still, with little watercraft knowledge, I respect the wind. I recall one fishing trip on a small reservoir in the Pintler Range southwest of Anaconda as a child. My grandfather and father took me on many fishing trips. I was a nine-year-old. “How do you tie that hook...

  • Connecting Point: Building 101

    BILL LANES|Mar 2, 2022

    I grew up watching the television series This Old House, a 1980’s home improvement show. With only one television in our home, our family accepted my father’s choice. The construction variety of the show was dad’s attraction. Now, I, too, dabble in my own home projects, and it’s very motivational. When I get done with a fence or patio, there’s just something about it. Moreover, I’ve had the pleasure of working side by side with my father on numerous occasions; in turn, I see the wisdom in doing the same with my wife’s and my children. Are...

  • Connecting Point: Time, Order & Purpose

    BILL LANES|Feb 23, 2022

    Time directs our lives, including daily routines and special events marked by the calendar. From a personal perspective, time puts limits on us. God, on the other hand, is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. God is sovereign. His (and ours) course history. But, we humans from about twenty years old until we are 105 (as the old song says) see short windows counted as the present. When circumstance challenges us, our assumptions lead us to believe something is wrong. That is not necessarily the whole truth. God has a purpose in...

  • Connecting Point: Lasting Legacy

    BILL LANES|Feb 16, 2022

    Estate planning isn’t always on our mind but many lawyers suggest that one should prepare for the inevitable. Families certainly experience shock after the death of a loved one, additional stress occurs when estate planning is absent. Some families are torn apart as possessions are divided while other families suffer extended grief navigating the long nightmare of legal matters. Is all this the legacy we long for? King Solomon casts light on his legacy, however, from a somewhat negative viewpoint. “So I hated life because the work that is don...

  • Connecting Point: The Equalizer

    BILL LANES|Feb 9, 2022

    Most of us assume our decisions are mostly based on wisdom rather than foolishness, right? We can be our best cheerleader, maybe even pat ourselves on the back. In our search for wisdom, it is imperative that we too evaluate our lives often, and look to God and His Word for wisdom. Proverbs 13:20 implores us: “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” If you think of a spectrum line with “Fool” on the left and “Wise” on the right, we probably put ourselves somewhere in the middle, probably more toward wisdom. N...

  • Connecting Point: Toil and Time

    BILL LANES|Feb 2, 2022

    The self-serving slogans “Make America Great Again” and “Build Back Better” contrast with the wisdom of the Bible’s Ecclesiastes. Most Americans find a purpose for living beyond daily living. The great poet Robert Frost said, “Most Americans are deeply spiritual,” and I agree. Today, again studying Ecclesiastes, I hope you’ll find inspiration. Solomon explores the topic of life’s purpose throughout the entirety of Ecclesiastes. The maturing Solomon found that wisdom and pleasure in and of themselves were meaningless. In the process, he exami...

  • Connecting Point: Wealth & Sexuality - Isn't America Out of Balance?

    BILL LANES|Jan 26, 2022

    Pleasure seeking isn’t anything new, but isn’t part of the turmoil of our age due to plain old generational conflict? Aren’t millennials rightly concerned that the baby-boom generation is going to bankrupt the nation? Don’t older people talk sensibly about out-of-control sexuality? We’ve been turning to the book of Ecclesiastes for inspiration. Known for the phrase, “There’s nothing new under the sun,” King Solomon put things into perspective. We may point out that America is highly sexualized and driven by consumerism. However, this i...

  • Connecting Point: What are you chasing?

    BILL LANES|Jan 19, 2022

    The desire to be “top of your game” or “top of the world” is a near-universal want. For centuries, people have aspired to great heights, achieving some of life’s “greatest” passions. Individuals like Tom Brady, Serena Williams, Usain Bolt, Oprah Winfrey, or even Henry Ford are known as individuals who sought to be better and better. In ancient times, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and Alexander the Great excelled at both political and military power. We’ve been focusing on King Solomon lately, reading through Ecclesiastes, from the Old Testament....

  • Connecting Point: Nothing New Here

    BILL LANES|Jan 12, 2022

    You’ve heard it, or perhaps have said it a thousand times yourself, “History repeats itself.” While we long for life to be full of new experiences, we often view everyday life as monotonous—you know, the same old stuff. Citizens of industrial countries give Mondays a bad rap; whereas, they look forward to the last day of the workweek, Friday. Meanwhile, those in undeveloped countries are more concerned about basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. How do you view life? King Solomon was never in want. In fact, he had everyth...

  • Connecting Point: Winners and Losers

    BILL LANES|Jan 5, 2022

    Every person in life is on a quest in one respect or another. Daily, people search for happiness, love, purpose and so much more. Reason and emotion make humans the pinnacle of all living organisms, and many exude exceptional physical abilities as well. On the other hand, “a rodent’s struggle for life,” became coined in American fiction: Christopher Morley’s book, turned into a movie in 1940, describes a modern problem: “The rat race”. It seems that we all want to win. King Solomon was the third and last king of ancient Israel and for 40 years...

  • Connecting Point: Christmas Choice

    BILL LANES|Dec 29, 2021

    Perhaps Americans are more individualistic than any other citizens in the world. But, regarding Christmas, my caution is to choose wisely between fact and fiction. Some embrace the folklore of Santa Claus, reindeer, and elves. Some believe Christmas simply represents giving and receiving of gifts, while others completely abandon any concept of Christmas in any light. I admit I am in the category of people who love Christmas. For the record, my beliefs go far beyond religion or superstition. A Biblical worldview recognizes the ample evidence...

  • Connecting Point: Eye of the Storm

    BILL LANES|Dec 22, 2021

    Although times seem troubling, we can have a full assurance that peace is possible through Jesus Christ. Some believe the “world” to be on fire, everything from politics, economics, health issues, and a litany of other flashpoints. The mere mention of these items causes some people to feel their temperature rising. Christ’s peace is essential in such times. The truth is turmoil has always been present in human history. We or our parents and grandparents have faced the 2008 housing market crash, 9/11, WWII, and the Great Depression in moder...

  • Connecting Point: Joy for a Weary World

    BILL LANES|Dec 15, 2021

    ‘Tis the season for joy. In the last couple of years, I’ve been sincerely questioned if I truly have felt this way, and I have concluded that in these times people are feeling more stressed than in the past. I’m not pretending to ignore current difficulties; however, I have a different perspective due to my faith in Jesus Christ. I purposely choose joy over woe, and not just because it’s the “Christmas” season. By now you’ve heard the familiar sounds of Christmas songs either over the radio or other forms of media. Communities are preparing for...

  • Connecting Point: God's Greatest Gift

    BILL LANES|Dec 8, 2021

    Christmas will be here before we know it. Time marches forward at the same pace every day. Doesn’t it seem time gets away from us? In all the hustle and bustle of life, it is vital that we slow down. A consequence of not being contemplative is the possibility of missing the truth of Christmas. On the very first Christmas, at the birth of Jesus Christ, there was a diabolic plot which was intended to disrupt the very plans of God. Humanity often has seen the likes of this. Thwarting the sovereignty of the Almighty wasn’t to be. News spread reg...

  • Connecting Point: The Gift That Keeps Giving

    BILL LANES|Dec 1, 2021

    The holiday season is in full swing, and retailers are tempting consumers with Christmas specials. I swear, the more I’ve aged, the margin for advertising has broadened wider and wider. Will we see Christmas in July at some point? Now I’m not opposed to celebrating holidays all year round; in fact, I suggest that celebrating Christ-like virtues personally in our lives is for all 365 days in the year. A little less consumerism might be nice. So in the spirit of Christmas, another virtue worth discussing, is being gift-full, and yes, it’s a wor...

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